Give Focus to GUI Window

33 views (last 30 days)
Jeff on 8 Sep 2011
Commented: Petr Kryze on 12 Jul 2023
Hi everybody,
I have programmed a function that starts off with a set of instructions on a GUI, and the user clicks a button to indicate they've read the instructions. After they click the button, the Matlab command line interface comes up asking them to type in their name. After they type in their name and hit enter, I want the GUI to pop back into view instead of having to manually bring up the window. Is there some sort of focus property that I can set to bring the focus back to the GUI window?

Accepted Answer

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 8 Sep 2011
figure(FigHandle) %FigHandle is the handle for the GUI figure
Jeff on 8 Sep 2011
figure(hObject) generates the error:
"Requested figure handle in use by another object"
This line of code is executed inside a separate function which is called by a callback function (a button callback function which responds to the user indicating they've read the instructions) in the GUI function. I should note that hObject and handles are both passed into the separate function.
Petr Kryze
Petr Kryze on 12 Jul 2023
In MATLAB apps:
placed directly after the line that defocuses the App window.

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More Answers (4)

Jan on 8 Sep 2011
Unfortunately "figure(FigHandle)" does not work reliably in opposite to the documentation. E.g. a pressed button can keep the keyboard focus. Therefore I've added this code to all callback of my buttons:
set(ButtonH, 'Enable', 'off');
set(ButtonH, 'Enable', 'on');
Then the figure gets the focus. Another solution is the FEX: WindowAPI, which allows to move the focus also.
Jenny Lu
Jenny Lu on 3 Aug 2018
Thank you! A solution to my problems for quite some time.
Kris Hoffman
Kris Hoffman on 29 Dec 2020
Edited: Kris Hoffman on 29 Dec 2020
I'm using the arrow keys to visually tally events in a video (in lieu of some computer vision algorithm later).
I got it to switch focus away from the button, but to where? Right now I STILL have to click some blank space in a panel or elswhere to begin using the keyboard.

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Jeff on 8 Sep 2011
figure(FigHandle) was the correct approach, where FigHandle is the title of your figure.

claudio on 26 Apr 2018
You can access directly to java handle and set focus request
% warning off MATLAB:HandleGraphics:ObsoletedProperty:JavaFrame
jFig = get(hFig,'JavaFrame');
In this way you have not to force enable property of your uicontrols
Mohammad Askari
Mohammad Askari on 6 Jun 2018
Superb! This is much faster than using drawnow. Thanks.
Christoph on 31 May 2019
With 2017b this does not work for me, furthermore I get this warning:
Warning: figure JavaFrame property will be obsoleted in a future release. For more information see the JavaFrame resource on the MathWorks web site.
In my case
did the job.

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Bernard on 19 Jul 2022
figure(app.UIFigure) works from within an app function for me.
I have to use this often when calling uigetfile because after selecting a file, the focus does not return to the app even though that was the previously active window.
  1 Comment
Petr Kryze
Petr Kryze on 12 Jul 2023
I can confirm this works perfectly in MATLAB apps as of July 2023. Just put the
line directly after the command that defocuses the app window (uigetfile and such).

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