How can I store video of my for loop code?
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Hello, I am beginner for Matlab and use Matlab 2014a.
I made my code which is consisted of for loop statement.
So I want to store the variation of my plot into the avi file.
Could you help me?
1 Comment
Abderrahim. B
on 28 Aug 2022
Share what you have tried to write as code as well as the plots you want to 'store' as an avi .
Accepted Answer
Abderrahim. B
on 28 Aug 2022
I ve written the below code that you can refer to.
t = 0:1/100:1-1/100;
vObj = VideoWriter('AnimPPlot.avi');
for ii = 1:length(t)
plot(t, exp(-ii*t))
pltHandle = gcf ;
im = frame2im(getframe( pltHandle )) ;
writeVideo(vObj, im); % Write avi video
Hope this helps
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