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Two functions having the same name but one being capital?

17 views (last 30 days)
When I google it I do not find anything saying that matlab is NOT case sensitive with regard to function names (so, then I expect matlab to be case sensitive with function names). But, then I have difficulty to save two files with the same name (one being lowercase and the other one being capital). For instance, if I have a function f.m in my folder it does not let me to save another function having the name F.m . It says "f already exists ... do you want to replace it", and of course I say 'NO' but then I cannot save anything.
I hope there is a way to do this, otherwise I have to spend lots of times to ....
Thanks for your answer in advance!

Accepted Answer

Jon on 6 Dec 2022
While MATLAB is case sensitive, Windows (assuming that is your operating system) is not. Since MATLAB requires that function names match file names, you can not utilize case sensitive function names.
  1 Comment
Mohammad Shojaei Arani
Mohammad Shojaei Arani on 6 Dec 2022
Thanks Jon!
OK. I learned that this is actually the windows issue not matlab issue (yes, I have windows).
So, I should change the function names.

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More Answers (2)

Jakob B. Nielsen
Jakob B. Nielsen on 6 Dec 2022
Well, it would appear from the evidence that Matlab is not case sensitive... I can't save duplicates of my functions with lower/upper case letters. I assume it is to keep people from accidentally naming functions almost-the-same. Can you not simply call one Fc (F-capital) and the other f? It is still visual what happens, but they have unique names...
Stephen23 on 6 Dec 2022
Edited: Stephen23 on 6 Dec 2022
" it would appear from the evidence that Matlab is not case sensitive.."
It is very easy to prove that MATLAB is in fact case-sensitive:
SQrt = @(x) 100+x;
ans = 3
ans = 109
The OP's filenames are being restricted by their OS, not by MATLAB.

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Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong on 6 Dec 2022
Edited: Bruno Luong on 6 Dec 2022
"Well, it would appear from the evidence that Matlab is not case sensitive... "
No MATLAB is case sensitive
"I can't save duplicates of my functions with lower/upper case letters. "
You can save them in different folders to work around Windows limitation. Not a cleanest solution but it should work if you insist.


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