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Replace specific elements in strings

2 views (last 30 days)
Ivan Mich
Ivan Mich on 5 Mar 2023
Commented: chrisw23 on 6 Mar 2023
I have a quaestion. Which command should I use in order to replace () with -.
for example I have strigs in an array like :
America (New York)
America (Manhattan)
Italy (Rome)
And I would like my output strings to be:
America - New York
America - Manhattan
Italy - Rome
Which command shouls I use? I tried strrep but no use.
Could you please help me?
  1 Comment
chrisw23 on 6 Mar 2023
repStr = string("America (New York)").replace(" ("," - ").replace(")","")
one of many options

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Answers (1)

Stephen23 on 5 Mar 2023
Edited: Stephen23 on 5 Mar 2023
Here are two approaches:
A = ["America (New York)"; "America (Manhattan)"; "Italy (Rome)"]
A = 3×1 string array
"America (New York)" "America (Manhattan)" "Italy (Rome)"
B = strrep(strrep(A,' (',' - '),')','')
B = 3×1 string array
"America - New York" "America - Manhattan" "Italy - Rome"
B = regexprep(A,'^(.+?)\s*\((.+)\)$','$1 - $2')
B = 3×1 string array
"America - New York" "America - Manhattan" "Italy - Rome"


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