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how to change an Online MATLAB (basic) to Online MATLAB

51 views (last 30 days)
basic has a time limit. My students will need the no time limit version.
Can we change the versions or delete accounts and start over?

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Sep 2023
Individual MATLAB Central accounts must be associated with MATLAB licenses in order to get more than the 20 hours a month. The 20 hour limit is for MATLAB Central accounts that are not associated with any valid license (though it would not surprise me if there is a further requirement that the account must have active Software Maintenace Service)
Academic licenses such as Campus-Wide Licenses are eligible for the non-basic access, as are individual Student License accounts.
Trial licenses are (if I recall correctly) not eligible for the non-basic access.
I do not get much news about the restrictions on MOOC licenses, so I cannot answer about those.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Sep 2023
If "associate with a license" is used, then that should activate the better service without needing to delete an account and without losing whatever might be stored in MATLAB Drive.

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