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examine points which are inside a polygon by GPU

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
Does anyone know how I can speed up inpolygon function by using GPU?

Answers (2)

Sulimon Sattari
Sulimon Sattari on 10 Jun 2016
I wrote an inpolygon GPU function on matlabcentral.
This will only give you speed-up if the number of test points is much much greater than the number of vertices (say, 10,000 times more test points than vertices).
Regards, Sulimon

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 11 Nov 2011
I thought someone asked about this about a week ago, but I cannot find the posting now. The answer was that TriScatteredInterp's routine for checking points in polygons was not designed for GPU use.
Some faster point-in-polygon functions:
If, though, as the other person did, you specifically want to test whether a particular point is outside all of the polygons created by TriScatteredInterp, then you would probably have to write the GPU version of the routine yourself.
AP on 12 Nov 2011
I have seen these links. In the first link, the function does not exist in my MATLAB. Is it the case in the version of your MATLAB? Can you call the function like the following:
[in,t] = inpoly(xGrid,yGrid,xv,yv,useGPU)
I am also trying to convert the code in the link to GPU version. Could you please give me some hints?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Nov 2011
As the first demo is about mapping, probably inpoly() is part of the mapping toolbox.
I have no experience in writing GPU ccode.

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