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Embedded Coder qualification for ISO 26262

4 views (last 30 days)
Please clarify - is the Embedded Coder already certified, or qualified, for ASIL D under ISO26262?
Or are there some steps the user must do to achieve that qualification level?
I can see there is a qualification kit, but it is not clear to me what must be done to complete the qualification, for the Embedded Coder tool.
Appreciate any clarification.

Answers (1)

Ashutosh Thakur
Ashutosh Thakur on 25 Jul 2024
Hello Kathy,
If you want to qualify Embedded Coder for supported industry standards such as ISO 26262, you can use the IEC Certification Kit to qualify your model to ISO 26262 standards. You can refer to the technical article that explains the process of ISO 26262 qualification:
Additionally, you can explore the following resources regarding the IEC Certification Kit and examples that can help you with the certification workflow:
These examples can be helpful for you to achieve ISO 26262 certification.
  1 Comment
Kathy Pattok
Kathy Pattok on 29 Jul 2024
Your answer implied that we should execute the provided test cases on our model. We met with some representatives last week who clearly explained that we need to execute your test cases on the model provided by Mathworks. I will proceed with the understanding that if we execute the Mathworks provided test cases on the Mathworks provided model, within our installation environment, that we have successfully qualified the tool for the use cases documented by Mathworks.
If that is not the correct understanding, please clarify.

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