Export function is saving previous result of matlab live script

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Export function is saving previous result of matlab live script, and saving it is loosing all the data when overwritten.
I have a matlab live script file, and export function is included in that, however it is not saving the current run data.
is there any way to export the only data of the current state of matlab live script?

Answers (2)

Pavan Sahith
Pavan Sahith on 5 Aug 2024
Edited: Pavan Sahith on 5 Aug 2024
The “export()” function takes a file path as argument and therefore, it loads the last saved state of the file from disk for the export. So the results are not current. If the most recent execution results should be considered while exporting, please save the file before exporting.
You can also do it programatically, Here is an example :
global scripts_dir_ul script_name
input_file = fullfile(scripts_dir_ul, script_name); % Path to the current running .mlx file
output_file = "Test_" + string(datetime('now', 'Format', 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH_mm_ss')) + "_report.pdf";
% Save the live script
% Export the PDF file
matlab.internal.liveeditor.openAndConvert(which(input_file), fullfile(scripts_dir_ul, output_file));
disp(['Report exported to: ', fullfile(scripts_dir_ul, output_file)]);
  • matlab.internal.liveeditor.executeAndSave(which(input_file));: This function ensures the live script is saved with the latest data before any export operations. The which function provides the full path to the .mlx file, which is necessary for the executeAndSave function to work correctly.
  • matlab.internal.liveeditor.openAndConvert(which(input_file), fullfile(scripts_dir_ul, output_file));: This function opens the saved live script and converts it to the desired format (PDF in this case).
You can refer to following links to know more
Prathyusha Gurrampally
Prathyusha Gurrampally on 5 Aug 2024
Hi Pavan,
I am facing the below issue while using this method
Nested Live Editor execution is not supported.
executionTime = matlab.internal.liveeditor.LiveEditorUtilities.execute(editorObj.Editor.RtcId, fileNameToExecute);
Pavan Sahith
Pavan Sahith on 5 Aug 2024
Edited: Pavan Sahith on 6 Aug 2024
I tried with a sample code in MATLAB R2023a and I don't face any issue with nested Live Script execution.
However, I noticed a thread where a user highlighted that she faced a similar issue, noting "Nested Live Editor execution is not supported" in MATLAB starting from version R2023b and onwards.
To work around this limitation, try running this code form a .m file,which might avoid the nested execution issue.

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Yukthi S
Yukthi S on 5 Aug 2024
Prathyusha Gurrampally
Prathyusha Gurrampally on 5 Aug 2024
Hi Yukthi,
Sorry, its a typo in the above code, However, i am trying to save using ' save(input_file) '

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