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Is it safe to delete the node-specific folders under ~/.MathWor​ks/Service​Host/ on Linux?

19 views (last 30 days)
I am using MATLAB R2024 on a Linux environment, and I noticed that folders are being created under the path ~/.MathWorks/ServiceHost/, one for each node I run, and each folder is consuming a significant amount of disk space. Is it safe to delete these folders? If not, is there a way to reduce the disk space usage?

Accepted Answer

Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo on 14 Aug 2024
Hi Dong Hyuk,
(1) If you delete the MathWorks Service Host folders, it will reinstall them when it's launched.
(2) Is the storage size your only concern? How does it affect your workflow?
(3) What version of service host do you use? Starting with MathWorks Service Host v2024.6.0.6, the size of the Service Host directory does not scale up when the user's home directory is shared across multiple hosts. All hosts will utilize the same shared directory of the MathWorks Service Host without creating a new unique installation for each host. See the official answer below.
(4) Please reach out to Installation Support team for issues related to the MathWorks Service Host.
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