How to save and load MATLAB app?

23 views (last 30 days)
William on 26 Nov 2024
Answered: Image Analyst on 27 Nov 2024
I have a MATLAB App that has been devolped in the MATLAB App Designer. I have saved all of the apps properties when the user selects the save config menu option and saved it into a .mat file.
Now I want to be able to load this file and update the app to the properties saved in this file. Currently, the program will store the variables in the app structure, but will not update the app's UIFigure. If I save the the UIFigure itself the program will create a new UIFigure and the code in App Designer will no longer work. Hence, why I've added not to save the UIFigure.
if strcmp(propName, 'SuperMarioUIFigure')
Does anyone know how I can get the app structure to update the current UIFigure that App Designer is running?
Here is my current code.
% Menu selected function: SaveConfigMenu
function SaveConfigMenuSelected(app, event)
% Create a structure to hold all the properties of the app
config = struct();
% List all properties of the app
metaProps = properties(app);
% Loop through properties and store their values in structure
for i = 1:length(metaProps)
propName = metaProps{i};
if strcmp(propName, 'SuperMarioUIFigure')
config.(propName) = app.(propName);
% Handle any properties that can't be saved
fprintf('Could not save property: %s\n', propName);
% Prompt user to specify a file to save the configuration
[file, path] = uiputfile('*.mat', 'Save Configuration As');
if isequal(file, 0) || isequal(path, 0)
return; % User cancelled
% Save the configuration structure to a file
save(fullfile(path, file), '-struct', 'config');
uialert(app.SuperMarioUIFigure, 'Configuration saved successfully!', 'Save Configuration');
% Menu selected function: LoadConfigMenu
function LoadConfigMenuSelected(app, event)
% Prompt user to select a configuration file
[file, path] = uigetfile('*.mat', 'Load Configuration');
if isequal(file, 0) || isequal(path, 0)
return; % User cancelled
% Load the configuration structure from the file
config = load(fullfile(path, file));
% List all properties of the app
metaProps = properties(app);
% Update app properties with values from the configuration file
for i = 1:length(metaProps)
propName = metaProps{i};
if isfield(config, propName)
app.(propName) = config.(propName);
catch ME
% Handle any properties that can't be updated
fprintf('Could not load property: %s. Error: %s\n', propName, ME.message);
% Display a success message
uialert(app.SuperMarioUIFigure, 'Configuration loaded successfully!', 'Load Configuration');

Answers (2)

Matt J
Matt J on 27 Nov 2024
The app object contains handles to all the app's uicontrols, but your LoadConfigMenuSelected callback doesn't reference any of them. Surely you need to set their properties in some way as well if the load operation is supposed to have some graphical effect.
Matt J
Matt J on 27 Nov 2024
@William Attached is a simplified app that I think illustrates how to do what you want using user-defined saveobj() and loadobj() methods. The Load It button will result in the Edit Field being repopulated with whatever number was entered when the Save It button was used.
Catalytic on 27 Nov 2024
The attached version would also work.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 Nov 2024
@William, see the official Mathworks support on the topic of saving the state or values of controls from one of your app's sessions to the next:


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