
Matt J

Last seen: Today Active since 2009

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Professional Interests: medical image processing, optimization algorithms PLEASE NOTE: I do not read email sent through my author page. Please post questions about FEX submissions in their respective Comments section.


  • Most Accepted 2023
  • Most Accepted 2022
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  • Personal Best Downloads Level 4
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  • Most Accepted 2021
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  • Revival Level 4
  • 36 Month Streak
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Derivative of a multivariate function handle
Is this what you want? syms y [1 2] g = [y(1)*cos(y(2))+y(2)*sin(y(1))-0.5]; Jfun=matlabFunction(jacobian(g,y)) Jfun(0...

1 day ago | 0

Determine if a point is inside a cube
Assuming the cube is not rotated, vertices = [ -1, -1, -1; -1, -1, 1; -1, 1, -1; -1, 1, 1; 1, -1,...

1 day ago | 0

How to use splitapply function with a grouping variable which is a cell array in my table?
groupingVar = {'A', 'X'; 'A', 'Y'; 'B', 'X'; 'B', 'Y'; 'A', 'X'; 'A', 'Y'; 'B', 'X'; 'B', 'Y'; 'A', 'X'; 'A', 'Y'}; G=findgro...

1 day ago | 0

find unique array cell with 2 field
>> findgroups(f(:,1),f(:,2)) ans = 1 1 3 2

1 day ago | 0

| accepted

Question regarding calling the destructor of a broadcast variable in parfor.
It is because you have 6 workers in your parpool. Therefore, a copy of Mage is sent to each worker, for a total of 6, during par...

1 day ago | 0

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find unique array cell with 2 field
load('matlab_f.mat') table2cell(unique(cell2table(f),'rows'))

1 day ago | 0

Problem with ploting involving function handle
Perhaps this is what you meant? N= 600; COMx_k = @(k) real(sum(1.*exp(-2*pi*1i*(k/N)*(1:N)' ),1)); %k=0:0.1:300 fplot...

1 day ago | 0

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how to change the image from axial to sagittal
imtool3D() is not a native Matlab function, but I imagine if you permute your data permute(data,[3,1,2]) so that its slices are ...

3 days ago | 0

| accepted

How to add an NVCC flag
Downgrade to Visual Studio 2019. See also,

3 days ago | 0

starting vector (zero vector) equals lower bounds but gets projected to non-zero vector
This behavior is specific to the interior-point algorithm. As the name suggests, an interior-point algorithm must start at an in...

4 days ago | 1

Finding concave hull around abstract shape
ps = load('matlab_answer_example.mat').new_polyShape1; tic; V=cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i) upsamp(polybuffer(ps,-i)),[0,1],'Unifor...

4 days ago | 1


mexcuda() can't find Visual Studio 2022, but mex() can.
In R2024a, I encounter the following when trying to compile with mexcuda in conjunction with Visual Studio 2022. >> mexcuda -la...

5 days ago | 1 answer | 0



loading and training an existing network.
previous = load("savednet","net","layers"); net = trainNetwork(data,clabels,,options);

7 days ago | 0

| accepted

Interpolate and plot a surface in a rotated coordinated system
I'm not familiar with the FEX submission you used, but I can show how I would do it with this one,

7 days ago | 0

Find the indices of numbers that occur first
You won't be able to do better than a for-loop over the V(i).

7 days ago | 0

scale/normalize parameter vector for optimization
The transformation is non-differentiable, and probably is not a good idea for Optimization Toolbox optimizers which are smooth ...

7 days ago | 0

I have shifted from lsqnoneg to lsqlin because lsqnonneg does not support additional constraint is it right or wrong choice?
If your lsqlin can solve your problem, then there is usually never any reason to use lsqnonneg. lsqnonneg is for nonlinear least...

8 days ago | 0

Why is my hamming window and rectangular window values the same for sigma_omega when I make L = 21?
% Set window length L = 21 L = 21; % Generate rectangular and Hamming windows rect_window = window(@rectwin, L); hamming_w...

9 days ago | 0

| accepted

How to identify Gaussian type maxima in an image
using imregionalmax i can generate a list of candidate. I wanna check each one now. I may like to filter the one which are non s...

11 days ago | 0

transform linear inequality constraints into bound constraints for optimization solvers
Yes, a set A*y>=0 is a cone and so can equivalently be expressed as where are the so-called extreme rays of the cone and are ...

11 days ago | 0

Cannot define a cell array of custom classes in function argument validation
classdef Session < handle %SESSION Summary of this class goes here % Detailed explanation goes here properties (Acc...

11 days ago | 1

How to convert two nested for-loops to one parfor loop.
It does not seem advisable to use parfor. Everything in your code is vectorizable. However, here is what a parfor approach could...

15 days ago | 0

| accepted

Why can't we define properties on enumerations extending from built-in classes?
I don't know why. I suspect it is for the same reason why builtin indexing and concatenation no longer works when you add proper...

16 days ago | 0

| accepted

Why did CD folder; give such a goofy error message when I just forgot ()
Because cd apploc is equivalent to, cd('apploc') This is a general thing in Matlab function-calling syntax. For any functio...

18 days ago | 1

moving median with variable window
Anyway, I will be very happy for any hint how to apply robust median filter on my use case, where separate parts of signal shoud...

20 days ago | 0

moving median with variable window
x = rand(1,6) k = [2,3,3,5,3,2]; n=numel(x); J=repelem(1:n,k); I0=1:numel(J); splitMean=@(vals,G) (accumarray(G(:),vals...

21 days ago | 0

Minimum CUDA driver version which works with R2024a
The driver version you need is a function of your GPU card. Why not just install the latest one as the error message suggests? ...

21 days ago | 2

Moving window percentile computation using Conv
See ordfilt2.

21 days ago | 0

Modifying arrow length based on intersection with polygon
An alternative to Mike's approach using linexlines2D() from the File Exchange,

26 days ago | 1

Should table Indexing be Faster?
I haven't profiled it, but I would bet that the following line, from @tabular/braceReference b = t.extractData(varIndices); is...

28 days ago | 1

| accepted

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