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For a project that i am working on, I have to deal with a set of 36 superheated steam tables in one of 3 sheets in an excel file. Since the tables are organized as a set of 5 columns (T,V,U,H,S) with a Pressure "title", but Pressure is a variable I need to be able to read, I want to go about converting the pressure into the first column (unless there is an easier way) of each table where for the length of that table (27 rows) the pressure is the same even as the other variables change (like a matrix for each table and cell array for all 36). However when I did that I faced a number of issues:
  1. for any table after table 1, The rows are slightly off (the number of rows of data cuts of early and there are extra NaN rows on top)
  2. The pressure isn't changing for each table. It is staying as 0.01 for all tables instead of just the first table.
Here is a bit of what my table should like (as well as my original code): Please help in giving any advice to fix my code
here is my output for Table 2:
% Read the superheated data
superheatedData = readtable('steam_tables.xlsx', 'Sheet', 'Superheated_Steam_Tables', 'ReadVariableNames', false);
% Initialize cell array to store tables
superheatedTables = {};
% Set up the number of rows and columns per table
rowsPerTable = 27;
columnsPerTable = 6; % T, V, U, H, S, and Pressure (P) as placeholders
% Start processing each table
tableIndex = 1;
rowIndex = 1;
while rowIndex <= height(superheatedData)
% Check if we have enough rows left to form a table
if rowIndex + rowsPerTable - 1 <= height(superheatedData)
% Extract the relevant rows for the current table
currentTableData = superheatedData(rowIndex:rowIndex + rowsPerTable - 1, :);
% Extract temperature data from the first column (T)
T = currentTableData{:, 1};
% Extract other variables (V, U, H, S) from columns 2-5
V = currentTableData{:, 2};
U = currentTableData{:, 3};
H = currentTableData{:, 4};
S = currentTableData{:, 5};
% Set Pressure (P) to a constant value for this table (e.g., 0.01 MPa)
P = repmat(0.01, rowsPerTable, 1); % P constant across all rows for the current table
% Create a matrix for the current table with all variables
currentTable = [T, V, U, H, S, P];
% Store the current table in the cell array
superheatedTables{tableIndex} = currentTable;
% Move to the next set of rows for the next table
rowIndex = rowIndex + rowsPerTable;
tableIndex = tableIndex + 1;
% If there are not enough rows left to form a table, stop processing
disp('Insufficient rows to process the next table. Check the data.');
% Display the first table for checking
format long g
PRERANA on 6 Dec 2024
Edited: PRERANA on 6 Dec 2024
Unfortunately this is the excel that I have been provided and must use by the guidelines of the project so I can't actually alter the excel file or use any other version of a steam table

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 6 Dec 2024
Edited: Stephen23 on 17 Dec 2024
Here is one approach using READCELL.
It assumes that all data blocks are aligned, and then within each block:
  • the 3rd cell of the 1st row contains the pressure value,
  • the 2nd row contains the header text
  • the 3rd row until the end contain numeric data (non-numeric are replaced with NaN).
It automatically identifies how many blocks there are and also their locations:
raw = readcell('steam_tables.xlsx', 'Sheet', 'Superheated_Steam_Tables')
raw = 370x17 cell array
Columns 1 through 10 {'P' } {'=' } {[ 0.0100]} {'MPa' } {[<missing> ]} {[<missing>]} {'P' } {'=' } {[ 0.0500]} {'MPa' } {'T(°C)' } {'V(m3/kg)'} {'U(kJ/kg)' } {'H(kJ/kg)' } {'S(kJ/kg-K)'} {[<missing>]} {'T(°C)' } {'V(m3/kg)'} {'U(kJ/kg)' } {'H(kJ/kg)' } {[45.8000]} {[ 14.6701]} {[2.4372e+03]} {[2.5839e+03]} {[ 8.1488]} {[<missing>]} {[81.3000]} {[ 3.2400]} {[2.4832e+03]} {[2.6452e+03]} {[ 50]} {[ 14.9139]} {[2.4433e+03]} {[2.5924e+03]} {[ 8.1755]} {[<missing>]} {[ 100]} {[ 3.4187]} {[2.5115e+03]} {[2.6824e+03]} {[ 100]} {[ 17.1964]} {[2.5155e+03]} {[2.6875e+03]} {[ 8.4489]} {[<missing>]} {[ 150]} {[ 3.8897]} {[2.5857e+03]} {[2.7802e+03]} {[ 150]} {[ 19.5132]} {[2.5879e+03]} {[ 2783]} {[ 8.6892]} {[<missing>]} {[ 200]} {[ 4.3562]} {[ 2660]} {[2.8778e+03]} {[ 200]} {[ 21.8256]} {[2.6613e+03]} {[2.8796e+03]} {[ 8.9049]} {[<missing>]} {[ 250]} {[ 4.8206]} {[2.7351e+03]} {[2.9761e+03]} {[ 250]} {[ 24.1361]} {[2.7361e+03]} {[2.9774e+03]} {[ 9.1015]} {[<missing>]} {[ 300]} {[ 5.2840]} {[2.8116e+03]} {[3.0758e+03]} {[ 300]} {[ 26.4456]} {[2.8123e+03]} {[3.0767e+03]} {[ 9.2827]} {[<missing>]} {[ 350]} {[ 5.7469]} {[2.8894e+03]} {[3.1768e+03]} {[ 350]} {[ 28.7545]} {[ 2890]} {[3.1775e+03]} {[ 9.4513]} {[<missing>]} {[ 400]} {[ 6.2094]} {[2.9689e+03]} {[3.2793e+03]} {[ 400]} {[ 31.0631]} {[2.9693e+03]} {[3.2799e+03]} {[ 9.6094]} {[<missing>]} {[ 450]} {[ 6.6717]} {[3.0499e+03]} {[3.3835e+03]} {[ 450]} {[ 33.3714]} {[3.0503e+03]} {[ 3384]} {[ 9.7584]} {[<missing>]} {[ 500]} {[ 7.1338]} {[3.1326e+03]} {[3.4893e+03]} {[ 500]} {[ 35.6796]} {[3.1329e+03]} {[3.4897e+03]} {[ 9.8998]} {[<missing>]} {[ 550]} {[ 7.5957]} {[ 3217]} {[3.5968e+03]} {[ 550]} {[ 37.9876]} {[3.2172e+03]} {[3.5971e+03]} {[ 10.0344]} {[<missing>]} {[ 600]} {[ 8.0576]} {[3.3031e+03]} {[ 3706]} {[ 600]} {[ 40.2956]} {[3.3033e+03]} {[3.7063e+03]} {[ 10.1631]} {[<missing>]} {[ 650]} {[ 8.5195]} {[ 3391]} {[3.8169e+03]} {[ 650]} {[ 42.6035]} {[3.3912e+03]} {[3.8172e+03]} {[ 10.2866]} {[<missing>]} {[ 700]} {[ 8.9812]} {[3.4806e+03]} {[3.9297e+03]} Columns 11 through 17 {[<missing> ]} {[<missing>]} {'P' } {'=' } {[ 0.1000]} {'MPa' } {[<missing> ]} {'S(kJ/kg-K)'} {[<missing>]} {'T(°C)' } {'V(m3/kg)'} {'U(kJ/kg)' } {'H(kJ/kg)' } {'S(kJ/kg-K)'} {[ 7.5930]} {[<missing>]} {[99.6000]} {[ 1.6939]} {[2.5056e+03]} {[ 2675]} {[ 7.3588]} {[ 7.6953]} {[<missing>]} {[ 100]} {[ 1.6959]} {[2.5062e+03]} {[2.6758e+03]} {[ 7.3610]} {[ 7.9413]} {[<missing>]} {[ 150]} {[ 1.9367]} {[2.5829e+03]} {[2.7766e+03]} {[ 7.6148]} {[ 8.1592]} {[<missing>]} {[ 200]} {[ 2.1724]} {[2.6582e+03]} {[2.8755e+03]} {[ 7.8356]} {[ 8.3568]} {[<missing>]} {[ 250]} {[ 2.4062]} {[2.7339e+03]} {[2.9745e+03]} {[ 8.0346]} {[ 8.5386]} {[<missing>]} {[ 300]} {[ 2.6388]} {[2.8106e+03]} {[3.0745e+03]} {[ 8.2172]} {[ 8.7076]} {[<missing>]} {[ 350]} {[ 2.8710]} {[2.8887e+03]} {[3.1758e+03]} {[ 8.3866]} {[ 8.8659]} {[<missing>]} {[ 400]} {[ 3.1027]} {[2.9683e+03]} {[3.2786e+03]} {[ 8.5452]} {[ 9.0151]} {[<missing>]} {[ 450]} {[ 3.3342]} {[3.0494e+03]} {[3.3828e+03]} {[ 8.6946]} {[ 9.1566]} {[<missing>]} {[ 500]} {[ 3.5655]} {[3.1322e+03]} {[3.4887e+03]} {[ 8.8361]} {[ 9.2913]} {[<missing>]} {[ 550]} {[ 3.7968]} {[3.2166e+03]} {[3.5963e+03]} {[ 8.9709]} {[ 9.4201]} {[<missing>]} {[ 600]} {[ 4.0279]} {[3.3028e+03]} {[3.7056e+03]} {[ 9.0998]} {[ 9.5436]} {[<missing>]} {[ 650]} {[ 4.2590]} {[3.3907e+03]} {[3.8166e+03]} {[ 9.2234]} {[ 9.6625]} {[<missing>]} {[ 700]} {[ 4.4900]} {[3.4804e+03]} {[3.9294e+03]} {[ 9.3424]}
% Identify data block locations:
[idr,idc] = find(cellfun(@isnumeric,raw)|cellfun(@ischar,raw));
idr = unique(idr);
idc = unique(idc);
igr = cumsum([1;diff(idr)~=1]);
igc = cumsum([1;diff(idc)~=1]);
ibr = accumarray(igr,idr,[],@min);
ier = accumarray(igr,idr,[],@max);
ibc = accumarray(igc,idc,[],@min);
iec = accumarray(igc,idc,[],@max);
% Extract data from blocks:
out = cell(igr(end),igc(end));
for kr = 1:igr(end)
for kc = 1:igc(end)
tmp = raw(ibr(kr):ier(kr),ibc(kc):iec(kc)); % one block
mpa = tmp{1,3};
hdr = tmp(2,:);
rpl = ~cellfun(@isnumeric,tmp);
rpl(1:2,:) = false;
tmp(rpl) = {NaN};
tbl = cell2table(tmp(3:end,:),'VariableNames',hdr);
tbl{:,'P'} = mpa;
out{kr,kc} = tbl;
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ____ 45.8 14.67 2437.2 2583.9 8.1488 0.01 50 14.914 2443.3 2592.4 8.1755 0.01 100 17.196 2515.5 2687.5 8.4489 0.01 150 19.513 2587.9 2783 8.6892 0.01 200 21.826 2661.3 2879.6 8.9049 0.01 250 24.136 2736.1 2977.4 9.1015 0.01 300 26.446 2812.3 3076.7 9.2827 0.01 350 28.755 2890 3177.5 9.4513 0.01 400 31.063 2969.3 3279.9 9.6094 0.01 450 33.371 3050.3 3384 9.7584 0.01 500 35.68 3132.9 3489.7 9.8998 0.01 550 37.988 3217.2 3597.1 10.034 0.01 600 40.296 3303.3 3706.3 10.163 0.01 650 42.603 3391.2 3817.2 10.287 0.01 700 44.911 3480.8 3929.9 10.405 0.01 750 47.219 3572.2 4044.4 10.52 0.01
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 120.3 0.8857 2529.1 2706.2 7.1269 0.2 150 0.9599 2577.1 2769.1 7.281 0.2 200 1.0805 2654.6 2870.7 7.5081 0.2 250 1.1989 2731.4 2971.2 7.71 0.2 300 1.3162 2808.8 3072.1 7.8941 0.2 350 1.433 2887.3 3173.9 8.0644 0.2 400 1.5493 2967.1 3277 8.2236 0.2 450 1.6655 3048.5 3381.6 8.3734 0.2 500 1.7814 3131.4 3487.7 8.5152 0.2 550 1.8973 3215.9 3595.4 8.6502 0.2 600 2.013 3302.2 3704.8 8.7792 0.2 650 2.1287 3390.2 3815.9 8.903 0.2 700 2.2443 3479.9 3928.8 9.022 0.2 750 2.3599 3571.4 4043.4 9.1369 0.2 800 2.4755 3664.7 4159.8 9.2479 0.2 850 2.591 3759.6 4277.8 9.3555 0.2
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 151.8 0.3748 2560.7 2748.1 6.8207 0.5 200 0.425 2643.3 2855.8 7.061 0.5 250 0.4744 2723.8 2961 7.2724 0.5 300 0.5226 2803.2 3064.6 7.4614 0.5 350 0.5702 2883 3168.1 7.6346 0.5 400 0.6173 2963.7 3272.3 7.7955 0.5 450 0.6642 3045.6 3377.7 7.9465 0.5 500 0.7109 3129 3484.5 8.0892 0.5 550 0.7576 3213.9 3592.7 8.2249 0.5 600 0.8041 3300.4 3702.5 8.3543 0.5 650 0.8505 3388.6 3813.9 8.4784 0.5 700 0.897 3478.5 3927 8.5977 0.5 750 0.9433 3570.2 4041.8 8.7128 0.5 800 0.9897 3663.6 4158.4 8.824 0.5 850 1.036 3758.6 4276.6 8.9317 0.5 900 1.0823 3855.4 4396.6 9.0362 0.5
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 179.9 0.1944 2582.8 2777.1 6.585 1 200 0.206 2622.2 2828.3 6.6955 1 250 0.2327 2710.4 2943.1 6.9265 1 300 0.258 2793.6 3051.6 7.1246 1 350 0.2825 2875.7 3158.2 7.3029 1 400 0.3066 2957.9 3264.5 7.4669 1 450 0.3304 3040.9 3371.3 7.62 1 500 0.3541 3125 3479.1 7.7641 1 550 0.3777 3210.5 3588.1 7.9008 1 600 0.4011 3297.5 3698.6 8.031 1 650 0.4245 3386 3810.5 8.1557 1 700 0.4478 3476.2 3924.1 8.2755 1 750 0.4711 3568.1 4039.3 8.3909 1 800 0.4944 3661.7 4156.1 8.5024 1 850 0.5176 3757 4274.6 8.6103 1 900 0.5408 3853.9 4394.8 8.715 1
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 201.4 0.1237 2594.8 2792.8 6.4199 1.6 250 0.1419 2692.9 2919.9 6.6753 1.6 300 0.1587 2781.6 3035.4 6.8863 1.6 350 0.1746 2866.6 3146 7.0713 1.6 400 0.1901 2950.7 3254.9 7.2394 1.6 450 0.2053 3035 3363.5 7.395 1.6 500 0.2203 3120.1 3472.6 7.5409 1.6 550 0.2352 3206.3 3582.6 7.6788 1.6 600 0.25 3293.9 3693.9 7.81 1.6 650 0.2647 3382.9 3806.5 7.9354 1.6 700 0.2794 3473.5 3920.5 8.0557 1.6 750 0.294 3565.7 4036.1 8.1716 1.6 800 0.3087 3659.5 4153.3 8.2834 1.6 850 0.3232 3755 4272.2 8.3916 1.6 900 0.3378 3852.1 4392.6 8.4965 1.6 950 0.3523 3950.9 4514.6 8.5984 1.6
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 224 0.0799 2602.1 2801.9 6.2558 2.5 250 0.0871 2663.3 2880.9 6.4107 2.5 300 0.0989 2762.2 3009.6 6.6459 2.5 350 0.1098 2852.5 3127 6.8424 2.5 400 0.1201 2939.8 3240.1 7.017 2.5 450 0.1302 3026.2 3351.6 7.1767 2.5 500 0.14 3112.8 3462.7 7.3254 2.5 550 0.1497 3200.1 3574.3 7.4653 2.5 600 0.1593 3288.5 3686.8 7.5979 2.5 650 0.1689 3378.2 3800.4 7.7243 2.5 700 0.1783 3469.3 3915.2 7.8455 2.5 750 0.1878 3562 4031.5 7.962 2.5 800 0.1972 3656.2 4149.2 8.0743 2.5 850 0.2066 3752 4268.5 8.183 2.5 900 0.216 3849.4 4389.3 8.2882 2.5 950 0.2253 3948.4 4511.7 8.3904 2.5
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 250.4 0.0498 2601.7 2800.8 6.0696 4 300 0.0589 2726.2 2961.7 6.3639 4 350 0.0665 2827.4 3093.3 6.5843 4 400 0.0734 2920.7 3214.5 6.7714 4 450 0.08 3011 3331.2 6.9386 4 500 0.0864 3100.3 3446 7.0922 4 550 0.0927 3189.5 3560.3 7.2355 4 600 0.0989 3279.4 3674.9 7.3705 4 650 0.1049 3370.3 3790.1 7.4988 4 700 0.111 3462.4 3906.3 7.6214 4 750 0.117 3555.8 4023.6 7.739 4 800 0.1229 3650.6 4142.3 7.8523 4 850 0.1289 3747 4262.4 7.9616 4 900 0.1348 3844.8 4383.9 8.0674 4 950 0.1406 3944.2 4506.8 8.1701 4 1000 0.1465 4045.1 4631.2 8.2697 4
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 275.6 0.0324 2589.9 2784.6 5.8901 6 300 0.0362 2668.4 2885.5 6.0703 6 350 0.0423 2790.4 3043.9 6.3357 6 400 0.0474 2893.7 3178.2 6.5432 6 450 0.0522 2989.9 3302.9 6.7219 6 500 0.0567 3083.1 3423.1 6.8826 6 550 0.061 3175.2 3541.3 7.0307 6 600 0.0653 3267.2 3658.7 7.1693 6 650 0.0694 3359.6 3776.2 7.3001 6 700 0.0735 3453 3894.3 7.4246 6 750 0.0776 3547.5 4013.2 7.5438 6 800 0.0816 3643.2 4133.1 7.6582 6 850 0.0857 3740.3 4254.2 7.7685 6 900 0.0896 3838.8 4376.6 7.8751 6 950 0.0936 3938.7 4500.3 7.9784 6 1000 0.0976 4040.1 4625.4 8.0786 6
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 303.4 0.0205 2558.5 2742.9 5.6791 9 350 0.0258 2724.9 2957.3 6.038 9 400 0.03 2849.2 3118.8 6.2876 9 450 0.0335 2956.3 3258 6.4872 9 500 0.0368 3056.3 3387.4 6.6603 9 550 0.0399 3153 3512 6.8164 9 600 0.0429 3248.4 3634.1 6.9605 9 650 0.0458 3343.4 3755.2 7.0953 9 700 0.0486 3438.8 3876.1 7.2229 9 750 0.0514 3534.9 3997.3 7.3443 9 800 0.0541 3632 4119.1 7.4606 9 850 0.0569 3730.2 4241.9 7.5724 9 900 0.0596 3829.6 4365.7 7.6802 9 950 0.0622 3930.3 4490.6 7.7844 9 1000 0.0649 4032.4 4616.7 7.8855 9 1050 0.0676 4135.9 4744 7.9836 9
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 342.2 0.0103 2455.6 2610.7 5.3106 15 350 0.0115 2520.9 2693.1 5.4437 15 400 0.0157 2740.6 2975.7 5.8819 15 450 0.0185 2880.7 3157.9 6.1434 15 500 0.0208 2998.4 3310.8 6.348 15 550 0.0229 3106.2 3450.4 6.523 15 600 0.0249 3209.3 3583.1 6.6796 15 650 0.0268 3310.1 3712.1 6.8233 15 700 0.0286 3409.8 3839.1 6.9572 15 750 0.0304 3509.4 3965.2 7.0836 15 800 0.0321 3609.2 4091.1 7.2037 15 850 0.0338 3709.8 4217.1 7.3185 15 900 0.0355 3811.2 4343.7 7.4288 15 950 0.0372 3913.6 4471 7.535 15 1000 0.0388 4017.1 4599.2 7.6378 15 1050 0.0404 4121.8 4728.4 7.7373 15
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 400 0.006 2428.5 2578.7 5.14 25 450 0.0092 2721.2 2950.6 5.6759 25 500 0.0111 2887.3 3165.9 5.9642 25 550 0.0127 3020.8 3339.2 6.1816 25 600 0.0141 3140 3493.5 6.3637 25 650 0.0154 3251.9 3637.7 6.5242 25 700 0.0166 3359.9 3776 6.6702 25 750 0.0178 3465.8 3910.9 6.8054 25 800 0.0189 3570.7 4043.8 6.9322 25 850 0.02 3675.4 4175.6 7.0523 25 900 0.0211 3780.2 4307.1 7.1668 25 950 0.0221 3885.5 4438.5 7.2765 25 1000 0.0232 3991.5 4570.2 7.382 25 1050 0.0242 4098.3 4702.5 7.4839 25 1100 0.0252 4206 4835.4 7.5825 25 1150 0.0262 4314.8 4969 7.6781 25
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 400 0.0019 1854.9 1931.4 4.1145 40 450 0.0037 2364.2 2511.8 4.9449 40 500 0.0056 2681.6 2906.5 5.4744 40 550 0.007 2875 3154.4 5.7857 40 600 0.0081 3026.8 3350.4 6.017 40 650 0.0091 3159.5 3521.6 6.2078 40 700 0.0099 3282 3679.1 6.374 40 750 0.0107 3398.6 3828.4 6.5236 40 800 0.0115 3511.8 3972.6 6.6612 40 850 0.0123 3623.1 4113.6 6.7896 40 900 0.013 3733.3 4252.5 6.9106 40 950 0.0137 3843.1 4390.2 7.0256 40 1000 0.0144 3952.9 4527.3 7.1355 40 1050 0.015 4063 4664.2 7.2409 40 1100 0.0157 4173.7 4801.1 7.3425 40 1150 0.0163 4284.9 4938.3 7.4406 40
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ____ 81.3 3.24 2483.2 2645.2 7.593 0.05 100 3.4187 2511.5 2682.4 7.6953 0.05 150 3.8897 2585.7 2780.2 7.9413 0.05 200 4.3562 2660 2877.8 8.1592 0.05 250 4.8206 2735.1 2976.1 8.3568 0.05 300 5.284 2811.6 3075.8 8.5386 0.05 350 5.7469 2889.4 3176.8 8.7076 0.05 400 6.2094 2968.9 3279.3 8.8659 0.05 450 6.6717 3049.9 3383.5 9.0151 0.05 500 7.1338 3132.6 3489.3 9.1566 0.05 550 7.5957 3217 3596.8 9.2913 0.05 600 8.0576 3303.1 3706 9.4201 0.05 650 8.5195 3391 3816.9 9.5436 0.05 700 8.9812 3480.6 3929.7 9.6625 0.05 750 9.443 3572 4044.2 9.7773 0.05 800 9.9047 3665.2 4160.4 9.8882 0.05
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 133.5 0.6058 2543.2 2724.9 6.9916 0.3 150 0.634 2571 2761.2 7.0791 0.3 200 0.7164 2651 2865.9 7.3131 0.3 250 0.7964 2728.9 2967.9 7.518 0.3 300 0.8753 2807 3069.6 7.7037 0.3 350 0.9536 2885.9 3172 7.875 0.3 400 1.0315 2966 3275.5 8.0347 0.3 450 1.1092 3047.5 3380.3 8.1849 0.3 500 1.1867 3130.6 3486.6 8.3271 0.3 550 1.2641 3215.3 3594.5 8.4623 0.3 600 1.3414 3301.6 3704 8.5914 0.3 650 1.4186 3389.7 3815.3 8.7153 0.3 700 1.4958 3479.5 3928.2 8.8344 0.3 750 1.5729 3571 4042.9 8.9494 0.3 800 1.65 3664.3 4159.3 9.0604 0.3 850 1.7271 3759.3 4277.4 9.168 0.3
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 158.8 0.3156 2566.8 2756.1 6.7593 0.6 200 0.3521 2639.3 2850.6 6.9683 0.6 250 0.3939 2721.2 2957.6 7.1832 0.6 300 0.4344 2801.4 3062 7.374 0.6 350 0.4743 2881.6 3166.1 7.5481 0.6 400 0.5137 2962.5 3270.8 7.7097 0.6 450 0.553 3044.7 3376.5 7.8611 0.6 500 0.592 3128.2 3483.4 8.0041 0.6 550 0.6309 3213.2 3591.8 8.1399 0.6 600 0.6698 3299.8 3701.7 8.2695 0.6 650 0.7085 3388.1 3813.2 8.3937 0.6 700 0.7472 3478.1 3926.4 8.5131 0.6 750 0.7859 3569.8 4041.3 8.6283 0.6 800 0.8246 3663.2 4157.9 8.7395 0.6 850 0.8632 3758.3 4276.2 8.8472 0.6 900 0.9018 3855.1 4396.2 8.9518 0.6
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 188 0.1633 2587.8 2783.7 6.5217 1.2 200 0.1693 2612.9 2816.1 6.5909 1.2 250 0.1924 2704.7 2935.6 6.8313 1.2 300 0.2139 2789.7 3046.3 7.0335 1.2 350 0.2346 2872.7 3154.2 7.2139 1.2 400 0.2548 2955.5 3261.3 7.3793 1.2 450 0.2748 3038.9 3368.7 7.5332 1.2 500 0.2946 3123.4 3476.9 7.6779 1.2 550 0.3143 3209.1 3586.3 7.815 1.2 600 0.3339 3296.3 3697 7.9455 1.2 650 0.3535 3385 3809.2 8.0704 1.2 700 0.373 3475.3 3922.9 8.1904 1.2 750 0.3924 3567.3 4038.2 8.306 1.2 800 0.4118 3661 4155.2 8.4176 1.2 850 0.4312 3756.3 4273.8 8.5256 1.2 900 0.4506 3853.3 4394 8.6303 1.2
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 207.1 0.1104 2597.2 2795.9 6.3775 1.8 250 0.125 2686.7 2911.7 6.6087 1.8 300 0.1402 2777.4 3029.9 6.8246 1.8 350 0.1546 2863.6 3141.8 7.012 1.8 400 0.1685 2948.3 3251.6 7.1814 1.8 450 0.1821 3033.1 3360.9 7.338 1.8 500 0.1955 3118.5 3470.4 7.4845 1.8 550 0.2088 3205 3580.8 7.6228 1.8 600 0.222 3292.7 3692.3 7.7543 1.8 650 0.2351 3381.9 3805.1 7.8799 1.8 700 0.2482 3472.6 3919.4 8.0004 1.8 750 0.2613 3564.9 4035.1 8.1164 1.8 800 0.2743 3658.8 4152.4 8.2284 1.8 850 0.2872 3754.3 4271.3 8.3367 1.8 900 0.3002 3851.5 4391.9 8.4416 1.8 950 0.3131 3950.3 4514 8.5435 1.8
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 233.9 0.0667 2603.2 2803.2 6.1856 3 250 0.0706 2644.7 2856.5 6.2893 3 300 0.0812 2750.8 2994.3 6.5412 3 350 0.0906 2844.4 3116.1 6.7449 3 400 0.0994 2933.5 3231.7 6.9234 3 450 0.1079 3021.2 3344.8 7.0856 3 500 0.1162 3108.6 3457.2 7.2359 3 550 0.1244 3196.6 3569.7 7.3768 3 600 0.1324 3285.5 3682.8 7.5103 3 650 0.1405 3375.6 3796.9 7.6373 3 700 0.1484 3467 3912.2 7.759 3 750 0.1563 3559.9 4028.9 7.8758 3 800 0.1642 3654.3 4146.9 7.9885 3 850 0.172 3750.3 4266.5 8.0973 3 900 0.1799 3847.9 4387.5 8.2028 3 950 0.1877 3947 4510.1 8.3051 3
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 257.4 0.0441 2599.7 2798 6.0197 4.5 300 0.0514 2713 2944.2 6.2854 4.5 350 0.0584 2818.6 3081.5 6.5153 4.5 400 0.0648 2914.2 3205.6 6.707 4.5 450 0.0708 3005.8 3324.2 6.877 4.5 500 0.0765 3096 3440.4 7.0323 4.5 550 0.0821 3186 3555.6 7.1767 4.5 600 0.0877 3276.4 3670.9 7.3127 4.5 650 0.0931 3367.7 3786.6 7.4416 4.5 700 0.0985 3460 3903.3 7.5646 4.5 750 0.1038 3553.7 4021 7.6826 4.5 800 0.1092 3648.8 4140 7.7962 4.5 850 0.1145 3745.3 4260.3 7.9057 4.5 900 0.1197 3843.3 4382.1 8.0118 4.5 950 0.125 3942.8 4505.2 8.1146 4.5 1000 0.1302 4043.9 4629.8 8.2144 4.5
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 285.8 0.0274 2581 2772.6 5.8148 7 300 0.0295 2633.5 2839.9 5.9337 7 350 0.0353 2770.1 3016.9 6.2304 7 400 0.04 2879.5 3159.2 6.4502 7 450 0.0442 2979 3288.3 6.6353 7 500 0.0482 3074.3 3411.4 6.8 7 550 0.052 3167.9 3531.6 6.9506 7 600 0.0557 3260.9 3650.6 7.091 7 650 0.0593 3354.3 3769.3 7.2231 7 700 0.0629 3448.3 3888.2 7.3486 7 750 0.0664 3543.3 4007.9 7.4685 7 800 0.0699 3639.5 4128.4 7.5836 7 850 0.0733 3736.9 4250.1 7.6944 7 900 0.0768 3835.7 4373 7.8014 7 950 0.0802 3935.9 4497.1 7.905 7 1000 0.0836 4037.5 4622.5 8.0055 7
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 311 0.018 2545.2 2725.5 5.616 10 350 0.0224 2699.6 2924 5.9459 10 400 0.0264 2833.1 3097.4 6.2141 10 450 0.0298 2944.5 3242.3 6.4219 10 500 0.0328 3047 3375.1 6.5995 10 550 0.0357 3145.4 3502 6.7585 10 600 0.0384 3242 3625.8 6.9045 10 650 0.041 3337.9 3748.1 7.0408 10 700 0.0436 3434 3870 7.1693 10 750 0.0461 3530.7 3992 7.2916 10 800 0.0486 3628.2 4114.5 7.4085 10 850 0.0511 3726.8 4237.8 7.5207 10 900 0.0535 3826.5 4362 7.629 10 950 0.056 3927.5 4487.3 7.7335 10 1000 0.0584 4029.9 4613.8 7.8349 10 1050 0.0608 4133.5 4741.4 7.9332 10
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 354.7 0.0079 2390.5 2529.3 5.1431 17 400 0.0125 2684.3 2902.4 5.7211 17 450 0.0152 2845.4 3111.4 6.0212 17 500 0.0174 2972.4 3276.7 6.2424 17 550 0.0193 3085.8 3423.6 6.4266 17 600 0.0211 3192.5 3561.3 6.589 17 650 0.0227 3295.8 3693.8 6.7366 17 700 0.0243 3397.5 3823.5 6.8734 17 750 0.0259 3498.6 3951.7 7.0019 17 800 0.0274 3599.7 4079.3 7.1236 17 850 0.0289 3701.2 4206.8 7.2398 17 900 0.0303 3803.4 4334.5 7.3511 17 950 0.0318 3906.6 4462.9 7.4582 17 1000 0.0332 4010.7 4592 7.5616 17 1050 0.0346 4115.9 4721.9 7.6617 17 1100 0.036 4222.3 4852.8 7.7588 17
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 400 0.0028 2071.9 2156.2 4.4808 30 450 0.0067 2618.9 2821 5.4421 30 500 0.0087 2824 3084.7 5.7956 30 550 0.0102 2974.5 3279.7 6.0402 30 600 0.0114 3103.4 3446.7 6.2373 30 650 0.0126 3221.7 3599.4 6.4074 30 700 0.0137 3334.3 3743.9 6.5598 30 750 0.0147 3443.6 3883.4 6.6997 30 800 0.0156 3551.2 4020 6.83 30 850 0.0166 3658 4154.9 6.9529 30 900 0.0175 3764.6 4288.8 7.0695 30 950 0.0184 3871.4 4422.3 7.181 30 1000 0.0192 3978.6 4555.8 7.288 30 1050 0.0201 4086.5 4689.6 7.391 30 1100 0.021 4195.2 4823.8 7.4906 30 1150 0.0218 4304.8 4958.7 7.5871 30
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 400 0.0017 1787.8 1874.4 4.0029 50 450 0.0025 2160.3 2284.7 4.5896 50 500 0.0039 2528.1 2722.6 5.1762 50 550 0.0051 2769.5 3025.3 5.5563 50 600 0.0061 2947.1 3252.5 5.8245 50 650 0.007 3095.6 3443.4 6.0373 50 700 0.0077 3228.7 3614.6 6.2178 50 750 0.0084 3353.1 3773.9 6.3775 50 800 0.0091 3472.2 3925.8 6.5225 50 850 0.0097 3588 4072.9 6.6565 50 900 0.0103 3702 4216.8 6.7819 50 950 0.0109 3814.9 4358.7 6.9004 50 1000 0.0114 3927.3 4499.4 7.0131 50 1050 0.012 4039.7 4639.3 7.1209 50 1100 0.0125 4152.2 4778.9 7.2244 50 1150 0.0131 4265.1 4918.4 7.3242 50
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 99.6 1.6939 2505.6 2675 7.3588 0.1 100 1.6959 2506.2 2675.8 7.361 0.1 150 1.9367 2582.9 2776.6 7.6148 0.1 200 2.1724 2658.2 2875.5 7.8356 0.1 250 2.4062 2733.9 2974.5 8.0346 0.1 300 2.6388 2810.6 3074.5 8.2172 0.1 350 2.871 2888.7 3175.8 8.3866 0.1 400 3.1027 2968.3 3278.6 8.5452 0.1 450 3.3342 3049.4 3382.8 8.6946 0.1 500 3.5655 3132.2 3488.7 8.8361 0.1 550 3.7968 3216.6 3596.3 8.9709 0.1 600 4.0279 3302.8 3705.6 9.0998 0.1 650 4.259 3390.7 3816.6 9.2234 0.1 700 4.49 3480.4 3929.4 9.3424 0.1 750 4.7209 3571.8 4043.9 9.4572 0.1 800 4.9519 3665 4160.2 9.5681 0.1
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 143.6 0.4624 2553.1 2738.1 6.8955 0.4 150 0.4709 2564.4 2752.8 6.9306 0.4 200 0.5343 2647.2 2860.9 7.1723 0.4 250 0.5952 2726.4 2964.5 7.3804 0.4 300 0.6549 2805.1 3067.1 7.5677 0.4 350 0.714 2884.4 3170 7.7399 0.4 400 0.7726 2964.9 3273.9 7.9002 0.4 450 0.8311 3046.6 3379 8.0508 0.4 500 0.8894 3129.8 3485.5 8.1933 0.4 550 0.9475 3214.6 3593.6 8.3287 0.4 600 1.0056 3301 3703.2 8.458 0.4 650 1.0636 3389.1 3814.6 8.582 0.4 700 1.1215 3479 3927.6 8.7012 0.4 750 1.1794 3570.6 4042.4 8.8162 0.4 800 1.2373 3663.9 4158.8 8.9273 0.4 850 1.2951 3759 4277 9.035 0.4
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 170.4 0.2403 2576 2768.3 6.6616 0.8 200 0.2609 2631 2839.7 6.8176 0.8 250 0.2932 2715.9 2950.4 7.0401 0.8 300 0.3242 2797.5 3056.9 7.2345 0.8 350 0.3544 2878.6 3162.2 7.4106 0.8 400 0.3843 2960.2 3267.6 7.5734 0.8 450 0.4139 3042.8 3373.9 7.7257 0.8 500 0.4433 3126.6 3481.3 7.8692 0.8 550 0.4726 3211.9 3590 8.0054 0.8 600 0.5019 3298.7 3700.1 8.1354 0.8 650 0.531 3387.1 3811.9 8.2598 0.8 700 0.5601 3477.2 3925.3 8.3794 0.8 750 0.5892 3569 4040.3 8.4947 0.8 800 0.6182 3662.4 4157 8.6061 0.8 850 0.6472 3757.6 4275.4 8.7139 0.8 900 0.6762 3854.5 4395.5 8.8185 0.8
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 195 0.1408 2591.8 2788.9 6.4675 1.4 200 0.143 2602.7 2803 6.4975 1.4 250 0.1636 2698.9 2927.9 6.7488 1.4 300 0.1823 2785.7 3040.9 6.9552 1.4 350 0.2003 2869.7 3150.1 7.1379 1.4 400 0.2178 2953.1 3258.1 7.3046 1.4 450 0.2351 3037 3366.1 7.4594 1.4 500 0.2522 3121.8 3474.8 7.6047 1.4 550 0.2691 3207.7 3584.5 7.7422 1.4 600 0.286 3295.1 3695.4 7.873 1.4 650 0.3028 3384 3807.8 7.9982 1.4 700 0.3195 3474.4 3921.7 8.1183 1.4 750 0.3362 3566.5 4037.2 8.234 1.4 800 0.3529 3660.2 4154.3 8.3457 1.4 850 0.3695 3755.6 4273 8.4538 1.4 900 0.3861 3852.7 4393.3 8.5587 1.4
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 212.4 0.0996 2599.1 2798.3 6.339 2 250 0.1115 2680.2 2903.2 6.5475 2 300 0.1255 2773.2 3024.2 6.7684 2 350 0.1386 2860.5 3137.7 6.9583 2 400 0.1512 2945.9 3248.3 7.1292 2 450 0.1635 3031.1 3358.2 7.2866 2 500 0.1757 3116.9 3468.2 7.4337 2 550 0.1877 3203.6 3579 7.5725 2 600 0.1996 3291.5 3690.7 7.7043 2 650 0.2115 3380.8 3803.8 7.8302 2 700 0.2233 3471.6 3918.2 7.9509 2 750 0.235 3564 4034.1 8.067 2 800 0.2467 3658 4151.5 8.179 2 850 0.2584 3753.6 4270.5 8.2874 2 900 0.2701 3850.9 4391.1 8.3925 2 950 0.2818 3949.8 4513.3 8.4945 2
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ___ 242.6 0.0571 2602.9 2802.6 6.1243 3.5 250 0.0588 2624 2829.7 6.1764 3.5 300 0.0685 2738.8 2978.4 6.4484 3.5 350 0.0768 2836 3104.8 6.6601 3.5 400 0.0846 2927.2 3223.2 6.8427 3.5 450 0.092 3016.1 3338 7.0074 3.5 500 0.0992 3104.5 3451.6 7.1593 3.5 550 0.1063 3193.1 3565 7.3014 3.5 600 0.1133 3282.5 3678.9 7.4356 3.5 650 0.1202 3372.9 3793.5 7.5633 3.5 700 0.127 3464.7 3909.3 7.6854 3.5 750 0.1338 3557.8 4026.3 7.8027 3.5 800 0.1406 3652.5 4144.6 7.9156 3.5 850 0.1474 3748.6 4264.4 8.0247 3.5 900 0.1541 3846.4 4385.7 8.1303 3.5 950 0.1608 3945.6 4508.4 8.2328 3.5
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 263.9 0.0394 2597 2794.2 5.9737 5 300 0.0453 2699 2925.7 6.211 5 350 0.052 2809.5 3069.3 6.4516 5 400 0.0578 2907.5 3196.7 6.6483 5 450 0.0633 3000.6 3317.2 6.821 5 500 0.0686 3091.7 3434.7 6.9781 5 550 0.0737 3182.4 3550.9 7.1237 5 600 0.0787 3273.3 3666.8 7.2605 5 650 0.0836 3365 3783.2 7.3901 5 700 0.0885 3457.7 3900.3 7.5136 5 750 0.0934 3551.6 4018.4 7.632 5 800 0.0982 3646.9 4137.7 7.7458 5 850 0.1029 3743.6 4258.3 7.8556 5 900 0.1077 3841.8 4380.2 7.9618 5 950 0.1124 3941.5 4503.6 8.0648 5 1000 0.1171 4042.6 4628.3 8.1648 5
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ _ 295 0.0235 2570.5 2758.7 5.745 8 300 0.0243 2592.3 2786.5 5.7937 8 350 0.03 2748.3 2988.1 6.1321 8 400 0.0343 2864.6 3139.4 6.3658 8 450 0.0382 2967.8 3273.3 6.5579 8 500 0.0418 3065.4 3399.5 6.7266 8 550 0.0452 3160.5 3521.8 6.8799 8 600 0.0485 3254.7 3642.4 7.0221 8 650 0.0517 3348.9 3762.3 7.1556 8 700 0.0548 3443.6 3882.2 7.2821 8 750 0.0579 3539.1 4002.6 7.4028 8 800 0.061 3635.7 4123.8 7.5184 8 850 0.0641 3733.5 4246 7.6297 8 900 0.0671 3832.6 4369.3 7.7371 8 950 0.0701 3933.1 4493.8 7.8411 8 1000 0.0731 4035 4619.6 7.9419 8
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ ____ 327.8 0.0135 2505.6 2674.3 5.4638 12.5 350 0.0161 2624.8 2826.6 5.713 12.5 400 0.02 2789.6 3040 6.0433 12.5 450 0.023 2913.7 3201.4 6.2749 12.5 500 0.0256 3023.2 3343.6 6.465 12.5 550 0.028 3126.1 3476.5 6.6317 12.5 600 0.0303 3225.8 3604.6 6.7828 12.5 650 0.0325 3324.1 3730.2 6.9227 12.5 700 0.0346 3422 3854.6 7.0539 12.5 750 0.0367 3520.1 3978.6 7.1782 12.5 800 0.0387 3618.7 4102.8 7.2967 12.5 850 0.0407 3718.3 4227.5 7.4102 12.5 900 0.0427 3818.9 4352.9 7.5194 12.5 950 0.0447 3920.6 4479.2 7.6249 12.5 1000 0.0466 4023.5 4606.5 7.7269 12.5 1050 0.0486 4127.7 4734.9 7.8258 12.5
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 365.8 0.0059 2295 2412.4 4.9315 20 400 0.01 2617.9 2816.9 5.5525 20 450 0.0127 2807.2 3061.7 5.9043 20 500 0.0148 2945.3 3241.2 6.1446 20 550 0.0166 3064.7 3396.1 6.3389 20 600 0.0182 3175.3 3539 6.5075 20 650 0.0197 3281.4 3675.3 6.6593 20 700 0.0211 3385.1 3807.8 6.799 20 750 0.0225 3487.7 3938.1 6.9297 20 800 0.0239 3590.1 4067.5 7.0531 20 850 0.0252 3692.6 4196.4 7.1705 20 900 0.0265 3795.7 4325.4 7.2829 20 950 0.0278 3899.5 4454.7 7.3909 20 1000 0.029 4004.3 4584.7 7.495 20 1050 0.0303 4110 4715.4 7.5957 20 1100 0.0315 4216.9 4846.9 7.6933 20
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 400 0.0021 1914.8 1988.5 4.2142 35 450 0.005 2497.5 2671 5.1945 35 500 0.0069 2755.3 2997.9 5.6331 35 550 0.0083 2925.8 3218 5.9092 35 600 0.0095 3065.6 3398.9 6.1228 35 650 0.0106 3190.9 3560.7 6.303 35 700 0.0115 3308.3 3711.6 6.4622 35 750 0.0124 3421.2 3855.9 6.6069 35 800 0.0133 3531.5 3996.3 6.7409 35 850 0.0141 3640.5 4134.2 6.8665 35 900 0.0149 3748.9 4270.6 6.9853 35 950 0.0157 3857.2 4406.2 7.0985 35 1000 0.0165 3965.8 4541.5 7.2069 35 1050 0.0172 4074.8 4676.8 7.3112 35 1100 0.0179 4184.4 4812.4 7.4118 35 1150 0.0187 4294.8 4948.4 7.5091 35
ans = 27x6 table
T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) P _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ __ 400 0.0016 1745.2 1843.2 3.9317 60 450 0.0021 2055.1 2180.2 4.414 60 500 0.003 2393.2 2570.3 4.9356 60 550 0.004 2664.5 2901.9 5.3517 60 600 0.0048 2866.8 3156.8 5.6527 60 650 0.0056 3031.3 3366.7 5.8867 60 700 0.0063 3175.4 3551.3 6.0814 60 750 0.0069 3307.6 3720.5 6.251 60 800 0.0075 3432.6 3880 6.4033 60 850 0.008 3553.2 4033.1 6.5428 60 900 0.0085 3670.9 4182 6.6725 60 950 0.009 3786.9 4328.1 6.7944 60 1000 0.0095 3901.9 4472.2 6.9099 60 1050 0.01 4016.5 4615.1 7.02 60 1100 0.0104 4130.9 4757.3 7.1255 60 1150 0.0109 4245.5 4899.1 7.2269 60

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dpb on 7 Dec 2024
Moved: dpb on 8 Dec 2024
@Stephen23's finding the subtable locations is very clever indeed; I looked at it some and didn't see the trick after reading the cell array...
But, a slight modification might make use simpler; concatenate it all into one table rather than having to reference into a whole mess of separate ones. I didn't explore trying to create the ND mesh for ND interpolation, not knowing precisely what was going to be the final need.
raw = readcell('steam_tables.xlsx', 'Sheet', 'Superheated_Steam_Tables');
% Identify data block locations:
[idr,idc] = find(cellfun(@isnumeric,raw)|cellfun(@ischar,raw));
idr = unique(idr);
idc = unique(idc);
igr = cumsum([1;diff(idr)~=1]);
igc = cumsum([1;diff(idc)~=1]);
ibr = accumarray(igr,idr,[],@min);
ier = accumarray(igr,idr,[],@max);
ibc = accumarray(igc,idc,[],@min);
iec = accumarray(igc,idc,[],@max);
% Extract data from blocks:
%out = cell(igr(end),igc(end));
for kr = 1:igr(end)
for kc = 1:igc(end)
tmp = raw(ibr(kr):ier(kr),ibc(kc):iec(kc)); % one block
mpa = tmp{1,3};
hdr = tmp(2,:);
rpl = ~cellfun(@isnumeric,tmp);
rpl(1:2,:) = false;
tmp(rpl) = {NaN};
tbl = cell2table(tmp(3:end,:),'VariableNames',hdr);
ans = 16x6 table
P T(°C) V(m3/kg) U(kJ/kg) H(kJ/kg) S(kJ/kg-K) ____ _____ ________ ________ ________ __________ 0.01 45.8 14.67 2437.2 2583.9 8.1488 0.01 50 14.914 2443.3 2592.4 8.1755 0.01 100 17.196 2515.5 2687.5 8.4489 0.01 150 19.513 2587.9 2783 8.6892 0.01 200 21.826 2661.3 2879.6 8.9049 0.01 250 24.136 2736.1 2977.4 9.1015 0.01 300 26.446 2812.3 3076.7 9.2827 0.01 350 28.755 2890 3177.5 9.4513 60 950 0.009 3786.9 4328.1 6.7944 60 1000 0.0095 3901.9 4472.2 6.9099 60 1050 0.01 4016.5 4615.1 7.02 60 1100 0.0104 4130.9 4757.3 7.1255 60 1150 0.0109 4245.5 4899.1 7.2269 60 1200 0.0113 4360.4 5040.8 7.3248 60 1250 0.0118 4475.8 5182.5 7.4194 60 1300 0.0122 4591.8 5324.5 7.5111
% make more easily-used variable names
% useful lookup/interpolation formulae
SI_V=scatteredInterpolant(tSteam.P,tSteam.T,tSteam.V); % create the various interpolants
V_PT=@(p,t)SI_V(p,t); % and functions to use them
format bank, format compact % convenient for these sized numbers
H_PT(PSI2MPa(2215),F2C(645)) % enthalpy at reactor exit of pressurized water reactor
ans = 2609.80
Looks reasonable, I didn't check the exact saturation properties for comparison; those aren't exactly saturated conditions, but about where operating conditions are that I remember from a prior life...in those days of yore, we still used English units for thermodynamic calculations and the reactor dimensions, hence the conversions, I don't remember the numbers in other units...the fuel assembly pitch was 8.57" and the water volume fraction 0.580307 that I can remember still after 50 years! :)

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