How can I fill in the area between two intersecting circles?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have two circles, one of radius = 2.5 centered at (0, -1), and the other of radius = 3 centered at (0, 1):
x = 0:0.01:2*pi;
y1 = plot(2.5*cos(x), 2.5*sin(x)-1, 'r');
hold on
y2 = plot(3*cos(x), 3*sin(x)+1, 'r');
I need to shade the intersection between them gray, but there's a catch; I can't use any toolboxes. So no patch or fill or area. Please help! Thanks.
Justin D.
Justin D. on 9 Oct 2015
Thanks! So if those aren't part of a toolbox, then how could I fill in the intersection between those two circles?

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