Clear Filters
Clear Filters

pick one value per munite

1 view (last 30 days)
Rica on 20 May 2016
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 20 May 2016
Hi all,
i have such an date time Array:
'18-May-2016 14:04:17'
'18-May-2016 14:05:07'
'18-May-2016 14:05:54'
'18-May-2016 14:06:43'
'18-May-2016 14:07:34'
'18-May-2016 14:08:25'
'18-May-2016 14:09:15'
'18-May-2016 14:10:07'
'18-May-2016 14:10:57'
'18-May-2016 14:11:48'
'18-May-2016 14:12:39'
'18-May-2016 14:13:30'
'18-May-2016 14:14:22'
'18-May-2016 14:15:12'
'18-May-2016 14:16:03'
'18-May-2016 14:16:54'
how could i clear the repeated munite values? for exemple : 18-May-2016 14:05:54 , '18-May-2016 14:10:07' and '18-May-2016 14:16:54'.
Thank you all

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 20 May 2016
Edited: Guillaume on 20 May 2016
To start with, I would convert the datestr array to datetime and just work with that for the rest of your code.
To perform the filtering, you use unique as per Azzi's answer:
A={'18-May-2016 14:04:17'
'18-May-2016 14:05:07'
'18-May-2016 14:05:54'
'18-May-2016 14:06:43'
'18-May-2016 14:07:34'
'18-May-2016 14:08:25'
'18-May-2016 14:09:15'
'18-May-2016 14:10:07'
'18-May-2016 14:10:57'
'18-May-2016 14:11:48'
'18-May-2016 14:12:39'
'18-May-2016 14:13:30'
'18-May-2016 14:14:22'
'18-May-2016 14:15:12'
'18-May-2016 14:16:03'
'18-May-2016 14:16:54'}
A = datetime(A); %convert to datetime. In your cases, datetime is clever enough that you don't even need to specify the format
[~, indextokeep] = unique(A.Minute); %see how easy it is to extract the minutes
filteredA = A(indextokeep)

More Answers (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 20 May 2016
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 20 May 2016
A={'18-May-2016 14:04:17'
'18-May-2016 14:05:07'
'18-May-2016 14:05:54'
'18-May-2016 14:06:43'
'18-May-2016 14:07:34'
'18-May-2016 14:08:25'
'18-May-2016 14:09:15'
'18-May-2016 14:10:07'
'18-May-2016 14:10:57'
'18-May-2016 14:11:48'
'18-May-2016 14:12:39'
'18-May-2016 14:13:30'
'18-May-2016 14:14:22'
'18-May-2016 14:15:12'
'18-May-2016 14:16:03'
'18-May-2016 14:16:54'}
a=datevec(A,'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')
Rica on 20 May 2016
Hi, thank you for the answer. My array is long. it goes from 15-May to 18-May. the unique function is not approprieate in this cas, i think?
Guillaume on 20 May 2016
Edited: Guillaume on 20 May 2016
@Azzi, please don't use min as a variable name (overrides the min function). You're teaching bad habits in your examples!
@Rica, well you're asking to remove duplicates and hence to obtain unique minutes. The unique function is the most appropriate for this. The length of your array is irrelevant, whichever scheme you could come up with will be slower than unique.
Also, I would recommend using datetime instead of datevec. As a matter of fact, I would simply convert the datestring array into datetime and just use that for future processing. datetime is a lot easier to use

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