Using Outlook (COM) with Matlab: how to set olMailItem.SendUsing property

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I need to send a mail through Outlook with an address different from the default.
I post here the code I'm using, so that I can explain better the situation
h = actxserver('Outlook.Application'); %Start the server
mail = h.CreateItem('olMailItem'); %Create the mail
mail.SendUsingAccount= h.Session.Accounts.Item(3); %Select the third account
mail.Subject = 'Subject';
mail.BodyFormat = 'olFormatHTML';
mail.HTMLBody = 'Body';
mail.Send(); %Send method
h.release; %Release the server
This code runs without error but if I use the inspector on the variable mail and I check the property SendUsingAccount, it appears that it hasn't been set yet (the get method returns [] before ad after line 3) and the mail is sent by the default account. I also tried
but it didn't lead me anywhere. As a desperate measure I called .NET libraries (Microsoft.Office.Interop) and run an analogous code through them: it worked like a charm but unfortunately I had huge problems of compatibility with other computers and with the Compiler ( deploytool).
Searching solutions online I noticed that people had a similar problem with VBA but they easily get the job done by using the set method to set the property.
Has anybody faced and solved this problem before?
P.S. If I use mail.Display instead of mail.Send() and manually switch the account to the desired one, the property SendUsingAccount becomes editable by Matlab. My guess is that there's a permission problem that it's overridden by the user's intervention.
P.S.2: Matlab r2012a, Microsoft Office 2016

Accepted Answer

Stefano Rognoni
Stefano Rognoni on 20 Oct 2016
Partially solved!
I used a workaround (waaay better than SentOnBehalOfName which is kind of ludicrous): I create the email by replying to an email received by the account that I want to use, i.e.
mail = h.Session.Folders.Item(3).Folders.Item(1).Items.Item(1).Reply
or even
mail = h.Session.Folders.Item('').Folders.Item(1).Items.Item(1).Reply
By replacing this the second line with this and keeping the other lines you should get the result. The only warning is that you must have received 1 email to the sender account.
Sascha Kühl
Sascha Kühl on 23 Feb 2018
Thanks for sharing your solution, it helped a lot! Just a remark for others to save time: Setting mail.Sender to the desired AddressEntry is also ignored without error.
Mariano on 24 Nov 2022
This does not work now (Matlab R2022a, Office365).
Any other suggestion?

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