load mat table to gui table
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hello, i need to load specific data from my mat file to gui table u can see mat file in the picture https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/85736/image.png i need to show specific data,
load Data_Plat.mat
[row,~] = size(Database_All);
data2 = cell(row,4);
for n = 1:row
data2{n,1} = Database_All.Plat{n};
data2{n,2} = Database_All.Nama{n};
data2{n,3} = Database_All.Jurusan{n};
data2{n,4} = Database_All.Status{n};
this is my code for show all data from mat file in to gui table, the question is, how can i just show 1 data, for example, data with number plat DD6713MT
Accepted Answer
on 17 Aug 2017
Firstly, a much simpler version of your original code:
data_plat = load('Data_Plat.mat');
Database_All = data_plat.Database_All;
data2 = table2cell(Database_All(:, {'Plat', 'Nama', 'Jurusan', 'Status'}));
set(handles.uitable1, 'Data', data2);
If you want to filter your table to only include the rows that match a certain value, replace the : above by your filter, eg.:
data2 = table2cell(Database_All(strcmpi(Database_All.Plat, 'DD6713MT'), {'Plat', 'Nama', 'Jurusan', 'Status'}));
on 17 Aug 2017
I have no idea what the above sentence is saying, particularly "the car has pass away"
More Answers (1)
Ilham Hardy
on 17 Aug 2017
If you are asking how to get the value of row 1 column 2 of your data2 cell, try
no_plat = data2{1,2}; % get row 1 column 2 value of data2
on 17 Aug 2017
find is rarely needed. In particular:
idx = find(somelogicalexpression);
result = somevector(idx);
is the same as
result = somevector(somelogicalexpression);
The latter being faster as well.
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