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windows and mac differences in basic functionality readtable

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a gui that runs perfectly fine on a Mac with 2017a, when I run it on win2017a (prior to compiling it) I get numerous errors. This one however I do not understand at all
Undefined operator '>' for input arguments of type 'cell'
I can trace it back to the line which reads in the data...
data=readtable(files(k).name,'FileType','text','Delimiter','tab','TreatAsEmpty',['UND. -60001','UND. -2011','UND. -62011']);
the Mac and Windows versions run this differently, the Mac honors the TreatAsEmpty, note on the Mac it requires double quotes (" ") around each argument to exclude as empty whereas the Windows version called that an error and wanted single quotes, it then does nothing with them. This leads to the array being a table in the Mac version of the GUI and a cell in the Windows version, I just can't see why some fundamental matlab basics would be so different between the versions?
Any ideas?
Best regards
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expressionA = 'P\H\d\d\d\_'
nameOfHead= regexp(nameHead,expressionA,'match')
for k=1:nFiles
data=readtable(files(k).name,'FileType','text','Delimiter','tab','TreatAsEmpty',['UND. -60001','UND. -2011','UND. -62011']);
expression1 = 'M\d\R\d\_';
Z(k)= regexp(RN,expression1,'match');
%%Assign variables to data
vel_NS=data.Velocity_ms;%-NS.....Nozze Scan data
% vol_NS=data.Volume_pl;
% traj_NS=data.Trajectory_deg;
% noz_NS=data.ExpID;
vel_NS(vel_NS > 10)=NaN;%for awful data exceeding 10m/s this will remove them
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Feb 2018
Where you used "" as the delimiter, you used a facility available in R2017a and later; your other system must be running an earlier version.
Stephen Devlin
Stephen Devlin on 7 Jun 2018
Hi Walter, if you want to move this to an answer field I will accept it, apologies for not getting back sooner.

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Jun 2018
Where you used "" as the delimiter, you used a facility available in R2017a and later; your other system must be running an earlier version.

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