I am trying to implement matlab code in hdl using hdl coder.But iam getting errors like variable not initialized during fixed point conversion.How to resolve .Pls help

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function [o]=fyp(a) load('100m'); a=val(1,:); subplot(3,2,1); plot(a); title('original ECG signal') b1=strel('disk',3); b2=strel('disk',4); b3=strel('disk',5); out1=imbothat(a,b1); out2=imtophat(a,b1); out3=imopen(a,b1); out4=imclose(a,b1); o1=(imsubtract(out1,out2))/2; o2=(imadd(out3,out4))/2; o=(imadd(o1,o2)); subplot(3,2,2); plot(o); title('After 1M filtering'); out11=imbothat(out1,b2); out21=imtophat(out2,b2); out31=imopen(out3,b2); out41=imclose(out4,b2); o11=(imsubtract(out11,out21))/2; o21=(imadd(out31,out41))/2; o1=(imadd(o11,o21))/2; % subplot(3,2,3); % plot((o1+(o/2))); % title('After 2M filtering'); out12=imbothat(out11,b3); out22=imtophat(out21,b3); out32=imopen(out31,b3); out42=imclose(out41,b3); o12=(imsubtract(out12,out22))/2; o22=(imadd(out32,out42))/2; o2=(imadd(o12,o22))/4; subplot(3,2,3); plot(o2+(o1/2)+(o/4)); y=o2+(o1/2)+(o/4); title('After 3M filtering'); m=0:3599; for m=2:length(y)-1 ys(m)=abs(y(m-1)+y(m)); end subplot(3,2,4); plot(ys) title('QRS') end

Answers (1)

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali on 26 Feb 2018
please follow the steps in this getting started tutorial
the first step is to break the code into design and testbench files.

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