How to use HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) visualisation?

16 views (last 30 days)
I am implementing HOG myself (not using extractHOGFeatures) for my coursework. I could able to implement HOG completely by referring Dalal paper. The hardest part is visualisation of the extracted features. Actually visualisation is tougher than creation of HOG iteself!
I tried, but it seems the implementation of HOG is little different from MATLAB.
Does any one know how to visualise HOG once it is manually extracted? It will be a great help.
Thanks in advance!
Regards, Aravind
Hategan Paula-Ioana
Hategan Paula-Ioana on 25 Jun 2021
can you help me with the code for HOG?
Because I'm struggling now to work on it and I have some problems.
Could you post the code here?
thank you!
kalyan s
kalyan s on 8 Jul 2021
Hi,I have implemented HOG by myself without any builtin function.I got HOG feature vector (3780X1) as output,but i am unable to visualize the HOG image with the feature vector.If you have got a way to do it,kindly help me

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Answers (1)

Abhishek Ballaney
Abhishek Ballaney on 6 Apr 2018
  1 Comment
Aravind Chakravarti
Aravind Chakravarti on 6 Apr 2018
Thanks. But I am implementing manually. I don't want to use built-in extractHogFeatures I have already implemented HOG but I needed some routine which can give visualization

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