How can I solve problem regarding subscript indices in for loop?

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Hello Matlab users,
I get error massage, when I run the program.
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in Test_2017_02_14 (line 82) clipping(end,:) = clipping(end,:)*1/2;
here is my code:
radius_max = 3200;
angle = 0:(2*pi/6):2*pi;
radius = [0 690 1390 1990 2490 2890];
r_m = [(1/2 * (radius+[0 radius(1:end-1)])) radius_max];
[X,Y] = pol2cart(-(angle_mat)+pi/2,radius_mat);
surface = 1/4*pi*(([radius_mat(2:end,:);ones(1,length(angle))*(2*radius_max-radius(end))]+ radius_mat).^2-([radius_mat(1,:);radius_mat(1:end-1,:)]+radius_mat).^2)
angle_fine = 0:(2*pi/60):2*pi;
laf = length(angle_fine);
radius_fine = 0:10:radius_max;
[angle_fine_mat,radius_fine_mat] = meshgrid(angle_fine,radius_fine);
[X_fine,Y_fine] = pol2cart(-(angle_fine_mat)+pi/2,radius_fine_mat);
surface_fine = 1/4*pi*(([radius_fine_mat(2:end,:);radius_fine_mat(end,:)]+radius_fine_mat).^2-([radius_fine_mat(1,:);radius_fine_mat(1:end-1,:)]+radius_fine_mat).^2) /(laf-1);
angle_ex = [2/9 1/2 5/6 7/6 3/2 16/9]*pi;
radius_ex = 2075;
[X_ex,Y_ex] = pol2cart(angle_ex_mat-pi/2,radius_ex_mat);
angle_ufine = 0:(2*pi/600):2*pi;
radius_ufine = 0:2.5:radius_max;
[X_ufine,Y_ufine] = pol2cart(-(angle_ufine_mat)+pi/2,radius_ufine_mat);
[~,index_a] = intersect(angle_ufine,angle);
[~,index_r] = intersect(radius_ufine,r_m);
angle_e = 0:(2*pi/6):6*pi;
radius_e = [radius radius_max];
angle_fine_e = 0:(2*pi/600):6*pi;
radius_fine_e = 0:2.5:radius_max;
[angle_fine_mat_e,radius_fine_mat_e] = meshgrid(angle_fine_e,radius_fine_e);
radius_flow = [0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1]*radius_max;
flow_left = [0.058; 0.0603; 0.080; 0.119; 0.138; 0.124; 0];
flow_right = [0.058; 0.063; 0.079; 0.099; 0.104; 0.096; 0];
FL = transpose(spline(radius_flow,flow_left,radius_fine));
FR = transpose(spline(radius_flow,flow_right,radius_fine));
flow_fine(:,1:(laf-1)/2) = repmat(FL,1,(laf-1)/2)+(repmat(FR,1,(laf-1)/2)-repmat(FL,1,(laf-1)/2)).*(angle_fine_mat(:,1:(laf-1)/2)/pi);
flow_fine(:,(laf+1)/2:laf) = repmat(FR,1,(laf+1)/2)+(repmat(FL,1,(laf+1)/2)-repmat(FR,1,(laf+1)/2)).*((angle_fine_mat(:,(laf+1)/2:laf)-pi)/pi);
flow_fine = circshift(flow_fine(:,1:end-1),round(laf*(-110)/360),2);
flow_fine = [flow_fine flow_fine(:,1)];
index = 1:(laf-1)/6:laf;
flowXsurf = flow_fine.*surface_fine;
for i = 1:6
r_l = (i>1)*1/2*(radius(i)+radius((i>1)*(i-1)+(i==1)));
r_h = (i<6)*1/2*(radius(i)+radius((i<6)*(i+1)+(i==6))) + (i==6)*radius_max;
clipping = flowXsurf(find(radius_fine==r_l):find(radius_fine==r_h),:);
clipping = [clipping(:,end-find(angle_fine==pi/6)+1:end-1)...
if i>1
clipping(1,:) = clipping(1,:)*1/2;
if i<6
clipping(end,:) = clipping(end,:)*1/2;
clipping(:,index) = clipping(:,index)*1/2;
for j = 1:6
flow(i,j) = sum(sum(clipping(:,index(j):index(j+1))))/surface(i,j);
flow = [flow flow(:,1)];
Thank you in advance.
Stephen23 on 16 Oct 2018
"You can't index to empty variable."
With an empty index you can:
>> A = [];
>> A([])
ans = []

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Accepted Answer

Omar Rashell
Omar Rashell on 16 Oct 2018
radius_fine = 0:10:radius_max;
I think, I got it. I tried as bellows: radius_fine = 0:1:radius_max; radius_fine = 0:5:radius_max;
Then it works. I got no errr Massage.
Tank you guys for your afford.

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