Why do tick directions change when log scaling x-axis?

5 views (last 30 days)
I just updated to Matlab 2018b ( and I have come across a weird glitch when changing a plot axis scaling to logarithmic, from linear. I haven't come across this problem before in previous versions, but I haven't found a solution to this maddeningly simple problem. Here's an example that highlights the issue I see:
ha1 = subplot(2,1,1);
ha1.XDir = 'reverse';
title(ha1,'Linear axis scaling: no problem')
ha2 = subplot(2,1,2);
ha2.XDir = 'reverse';
ha2.XScale = 'log';
title(ha2,'X-axis log-scaled: tick direction problem')
Now with ha2, the x- and y-axes behave contrastly when setting:
ha2.TickDir = 'in';% or 'out'
Changing TickDirMode to "manual" or "auto" has no affect.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  1 Comment
Dave Ortiz-Suslow
Dave Ortiz-Suslow on 18 Dec 2018
I wouldn't say the question is "answered", but the solution seems to be to download 2019a.

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Accepted Answer

Shawn Duenas
Shawn Duenas on 6 Feb 2019
Edited: Shawn Duenas on 6 Feb 2019
Try this:
ha1.XDir = 'normal';
I get that same issue:
Changing ytick direction is backwards. Check out the effect of this:
I think it's because the plotting algorithm when xdir is reversed is stupid.
  1 Comment
Dave Ortiz-Suslow
Dave Ortiz-Suslow on 7 Feb 2019
Changing the view is a quick and easy fix, but may not be general for all cases. Anyway, thanks for the contribution, the best solution will probably be to update versions.
FYI, the solution is fiddling with the view angle on a simple line plot to effectively reverse the axis direction.

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More Answers (2)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 18 Dec 2018
I wonder if it is related to this question. There, it was a bug potentially related to having an exponent in the axis.
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 18 Dec 2018
Edited: Cris LaPierre on 18 Dec 2018
But the root cause is the same - reversing the direction of one of the axes. Don't do that, and your labels will appear normal.
Agreed - it shouldn't be there. But that's the nature of bugs. They are not there intentionally.
FWIW, I checked this in the 2019a prerelease software (might be able to see it here if you have access). This bug has been fixed.
Dave Ortiz-Suslow
Dave Ortiz-Suslow on 18 Dec 2018
Edited: Dave Ortiz-Suslow on 18 Dec 2018
Cris: Thanks for checking it in 2019a, I'll see about getting the prerelease.

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Dave Ortiz-Suslow
Dave Ortiz-Suslow on 18 Dec 2018
Edited: Dave Ortiz-Suslow on 18 Dec 2018
A 50% answer to this question is to force the glitch on both the x- and y-axes. See code and figure below. The solution to the missplaced tick labels must be addressed following this question, which is not very satisfying. From Cris, maybe the best solution is to update to 2019 version.
ha1 = subplot(3,1,1);
ha1.XDir = 'reverse';
title(ha1,'Linear axis scaling: no problem')
ha2 = subplot(3,1,2);
ha2.XDir = 'reverse';
ha2.XScale = 'log';
title(ha2,'X-axis log-scaled: tick direction problem')
ha2.TickDir = 'in';% or 'out'
ha3 = subplot(3,1,3);
ha3.XScale = 'log';
title(ha3,'X-axis log-scaled: tick direction wrong on both sides')
ha3.TickDir = 'out';

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