How would I plot conic sections in a 3D cone and extract certain parts of the graph?

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I'm a beginner and I don't have much MATLAB expericence, but I'm trying to draw different conic sections in a 3d cone and then extract just the intersection of the plane and the cone in order to highlight the different conics (parabolas, hyperbolas, etc) that are formed? Specifically, how would I simply extract the intersection between a plane and the cone?
It would be especially helpful if answers and code were in a simpler and more understandable format tailored to a beginner like me.
Here is my current code
r = linspace(0,2*pi) ;
th = linspace(0,2*pi) ;
[R,T] = meshgrid(r,th) ;
X = R.*cos(T) ;
Y = R.*sin(T) ;
Z = R;
patch([2 -2 -2 2], [2 2 -2 -2], [2 2 2 2], [2 2 -2 -2])
hold on

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 21 Jun 2019
Edited: Matt J on 21 Jun 2019
The easiest would be to have the plane fixed as the xy-plane and just rotate/translate the cone around in 3D space to get different sections,
[R,~]=qr(rand(3)); %random rotation
fcone=@(x,y,z)sum([x;y;z+1].*R.'*D*R*[x;y;z+1]); %3D cone
fsec= @(x,y) sum([x;y;1].*R.'*D*R*[x;y;1]); %2D intersection of cone with xy plane
hc=fimplicit3(fcone); %plot 3D cone
hold on
hsec=fimplicit(fsec); %plot section
hold off
Satwik Misra
Satwik Misra on 21 Jun 2019
Thank you! Just curious, how would you go about graphing the ellipse shown in the second picture? Would you have to change fsec?

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