Display format for table and matrix in live script
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byungkeuk cho
on 22 Nov 2019
Commented: David Beedie
on 8 Jan 2024
I am trying to write a report with live script editor.
but I have a very simple question.
First, I would like to eliminate the number of row index as shown below.
(1 Row1 is not what i want)
Second, I would like to display a matrix with a bracket.
1 Comment
David Beedie
on 8 Jan 2024
disp() eliminates the row numbers:
rowNames = {'row1'; 'row2'; 'row3'};
Column1 = [1; 2; 3];
Column2 = [4; 5; 6];
T = table(Column1, Column2, 'rowNames', rowNames)
Accepted Answer
Song-Hyun Ji
on 25 Nov 2019
Edited: Song-Hyun Ji
on 26 Nov 2019
About the first question, unfortunately there is no way to remove row numbers for the table in the Live Editor. We will consider creating a feature to turn off the default row numbers when row names are provided.
About the second question, please refer to the following article.
More Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 22 Nov 2019
table() is not designed for display purposes. To customize it, you pretty much need to use Report Generator.
How would you like the brackets around the array to look?
>> sym(A)
ans =
[ 1, 2, 3]
[ 4, 5, 6]
Or you could create "ASCII Art" that might look something like
+- -+
| 1, 2, 3|
| 4, 5, 6|
+- -+
A routine would have to be written to do this.
Walter Roberson
on 22 Nov 2019
You would need to draw the brackets using plot() and text() the numbers into place. Or you could use Computer Vision insertText and insertShape to create images that you displayed.
If your hope is display those kinds of formatted items at the command line, then you will need to wait for some later release, or hack the display mechanism.
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