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Converting old Compiled GUIDE application with global variables

1 view (last 30 days)
I have an old Matlab compiled application that uses global variables extensively. It compiles without errors and will run on the PC with the Matlab IDE but the compiled application no longer runs under the MCR runtime DLL. Apparently Matlab has changed the way globals are handled since this application was last compiled. I tried putting the global variables in the GUI handles structure but that doesn't work; I have several files and multiple dialog boxes that apparently don't share the handles structure. Most recently I tried using setappdata() and getappdata(), and passing a handle to the original main window so the other functions can access the data, but again that works fine in the debugger and the compiled application on the PC with the Matlab IDE, but not on a PC with the mcr runtime DLL. The error I get is during initial start up, before the main window is drawn, that a member of a "global" struct is missing. Again, this works fine in the debugger, so it is very frustrating!
Anybody have any hints that might help me?
Rich L.

Answers (1)

Andrew Janke
Andrew Janke on 31 Jan 2020
Older versions of the MCR are still available for download. Can you not just install the older MCR version that it was compiled against and use that?


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