Readmartix function removes first blank row

26 views (last 30 days)
When I'm using the readmartix function to import data from an excel sheet if the first row is blank or a set of NaNs the output matrix removes that first row. I would like to keep that row to keep matrix size consistent across data sets. Is there a option that can be easily changed to keep that row rather than it being removed then having to add it back later.
dpb on 5 Apr 2020
" I'm specifically calling on a specific sheet and range ie readmatrix('file name', 'sheet', 'sheetname', 'range', "C5:E20") Which should return a 15x3 matrix,..."
> numel(5:20)
ans =
Maybe there's some confusion regarding what you expect as well, here...
Benjamin Binder-Markey
Benjamin Binder-Markey on 6 Apr 2020
yes sorry late night tying just making up an example...

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Answers (2)

David Hill
David Hill on 4 Apr 2020
opts = detectImportOptions('Data.csv');%look at opts.DataLines and change it
opts.DataLines=[1 Inf];
  1 Comment
dpb on 5 Apr 2020
Yeah, what I was suggesting above altho for the specific case OP is actually using specific sheet:range so must be dealing with spreadsheet file...

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dpb on 5 Apr 2020
Well, let's quit hypothesizing and just see what happens...
% BB-M.xlsx has reshape(3:8,2,[]) at C2 upper left corner
>> n=xlsread('BB-M.xlsx',1,'C1:E3') % as we know,xlsread() left to own devices returns only data
n =
3 4 5
6 7 8
>> [n,~,r]=xlsread('BB-M.xlsx',1,'C1:E3') % the raw optional output it returns whole thing but cell array
n =
3 4 5
6 7 8
r =
3×3 cell array
{[NaN]} {[NaN]} {[NaN]}
{[ 3]} {[ 4]} {[ 5]}
{[ 6]} {[ 7]} {[ 8]}
>> opt=detectImportOptions('BB-M.xlsx') % see what the import option object is by default...
opt =
SpreadsheetImportOptions with properties:
Sheet Properties:
Sheet: ''
Replacement Properties:
MissingRule: 'fill'
ImportErrorRule: 'fill'
Variable Import Properties: Set types by name using setvartype
VariableNames: {'Var1', 'Var2', 'Var3'}
VariableTypes: {'double', 'double', 'double'}
SelectedVariableNames: {'Var1', 'Var2', 'Var3'}
VariableOptions: Show all 3 VariableOptions
Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts
PreserveVariableNames: false
Range Properties:
DataRange: 'C2' (Start Cell)
VariableNamesRange: ''
RowNamesRange: ''
VariableUnitsRange: ''
VariableDescriptionsRange: ''
To display a preview of the table, use preview
>> opt.DataRange='C1'; % OK it starts at data location it found, let's set the target specifically
>> readmatrix('BB-M.xlsx',opt) % and pass the modified object
ans =
3 4 5
6 7 8
And, voila! The desired starting point is honored and missing data indicatiors returned.
Easy enough solution -- create an import options object to match what you want and pass can have just one of these saved; no need to regenerate every time as long as the location and spreadsheet structure is the same.
  1 Comment
Benjamin Binder-Markey
Benjamin Binder-Markey on 6 Apr 2020
Thanks for all the feedback! I found my error thanks to your solution, I was calling the option 'Range' vs. 'DataRange' as soon as I switched it to 'DataRange' it returned the correct size with the empty cells.
Thanks again.

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