inv(matrix) takes shorter time than \ operator

59 views (last 30 days)
A =
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
>> tic
ans =
-0.0049 0.0512 -0.0354 0.0012 0.0034
0.0431 -0.0373 -0.0046 0.0127 0.0015
-0.0303 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0364
0.0047 -0.0065 0.0108 0.0435 -0.0370
0.0028 0.0050 0.0415 -0.0450 0.0111
Elapsed time is 0.006097 seconds.
>> tic
ans =
-0.0049 0.0512 -0.0354 0.0012 0.0034
0.0431 -0.0373 -0.0046 0.0127 0.0015
-0.0303 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0364
0.0047 -0.0065 0.0108 0.0435 -0.0370
0.0028 0.0050 0.0415 -0.0450 0.0111
Elapsed time is 0.008993 seconds.
Just a general question, shouldn't have been the other way round? inv(matrix) is supposed to be more computationally intensive than the \ operation.
Matt J
Matt J on 30 Jul 2020
We can only assume it is a vector, based on where Armin wrote: "where mu is the centroid of each cluster and x the current feature-vector"
Christine Tobler
Christine Tobler on 31 Jul 2020
Based on the formula (x-mu)*cov^(-1)*(x-mu)', you'd expect the output here to be symmetric positive (semi-)definite. If cov is numerically full rank, you can use the following to compute this matrix in a way that will keep it symmetric positive semi-definite.
R = chol(cov);
A = (x-mu)/R;
A = A*A';
If cov is low-rank (positive semi-definite), you could consider doing the same using the ldl function instead of chol.

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Accepted Answer

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna on 8 Feb 2013
Edited: Shashank Prasanna on 8 Feb 2013
While inv indeed does involve more operations than \ because it involves inverse as well as multiplication, \ is just one operation. It is safer as you can use it on non-full rank of the system which is determined by QR decomp. I persuade you to look at this literature from Cleve the creator of MATLAB: Linear Equation and of course this link in the documentation.
To support what James said, your example is a very bad one
Not the best but a supporting example is as follows. Using a larger matrix, and making sure the random numbers are the same
rng(5);tic, inv(rand(1000))*rand(1000,1); toc
rng(5);tic, rand(1000)\rand(1000,1); toc
Elapsed time is 0.321691 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.142591 seconds.
You will have to run this a couple of times. The first run may result in MATLAB performing some optimizations and memory allocations.
  1 Comment
Hunter Colegrove
Hunter Colegrove on 30 Jul 2020
Is there a reason inv(A) uses LU decomposition as the algorithm to solve the inverse of the matrix? Is there a computational advantage of some sort?

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More Answers (2)

James Tursa
James Tursa on 8 Feb 2013
1) Your example is so small as to make the timing irrelevant
2) You burden the \ method with creating another variable, B
3) The \ operation doesn't know ahead of time that B is the identity matrix, so it may not be able to take computational advantage of that fact.
4) Why do you think inv is more computationally intensive than \ ?
Matt J
Matt J on 8 Feb 2013
Edited: Matt J on 8 Feb 2013
5) Omitting semicolons and displaying to the screen is also adding unnecessary overhead.
6) You have to re-run the code multiple times, preferably inside a function to see a fully optimized execution. There is no way inv(A) on a 5x5 matrix takes 0.006097 seconds on any reasonable machine.
the cyclist
the cyclist on 8 Feb 2013
Edited: the cyclist on 8 Feb 2013
Regarding James' point #4, he may have gotten the idea from the documentation of the inv() function:
"In practice, it is seldom necessary to form the explicit inverse of a matrix. A frequent misuse of inv arises when solving the system of linear equations Ax = b. One way to solve this is with x = inv(A)*b. A better way, from both an execution time and numerical accuracy standpoint, is to use the matrix division operator x = A\b."
@Bramen, I think the larger worry with inv() is actually the numerical stability for arrays that are nearly singular. See, for example, this old blog post:

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Matt J
Matt J on 8 Feb 2013
It's not that inv(A) is supposed to be more computationally intensive than \. It's that A\b is faster than inv(A)*b, as demonstrated below.
Elapsed time is 0.509519 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.195016 seconds.
Matt J
Matt J on 4 Nov 2015
Edited: Matt J on 9 Nov 2015
You shouldn't be comparing with (X'*X)\X'*y nor with an explicit call to qr(). You should be comparing with X\y, which is equivalent (in this case) to the QR method.
for i=1:10000
for i=1:10000
for i=1:10000
Elapsed time is 0.082173 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.157320 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.086341 seconds.
That said, when you have a very tall X matrix, then using the normal equations directly can be faster, and also save memory. However, since X'*X has a higher condition number than X, it will also be less stable numerically and amplify noise, as demonstrated in the example below. So you need to be sure you have a well-conditioned X in order for this to be a good compromise.
z1 = X\noise;
Error1 =
Error2 =
Daniel on 10 Nov 2015
Oh, thanks for that answer. I wasn't aware of this. It should make the code faster and ease the problem of stability that I happened to have.

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