'Conversion to cell from double is not possible.' During table assignement
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Valentin LAPLAUD
on 25 Nov 2020
Answered: Raunak Gupta
on 4 Dec 2020
I have encountered this problem in one of my codes (reproduced here with simple data) :
vect = [1 2 4 3]; % creating a vector
mat = [vect;vect]; % juste a simple matrix
% initialising a table
varnames = {'SomeTableCellData'};
vartypes = {'cell'};
Table = table('Size',[0 length(varnames)],'VariableTypes',vartypes,'VariableNames',varnames);
% this works
Table(1,'SomeTableCellData') = {mat};
% this doesn't work
Table(2,'SomeTableCellData') = {vect};
But both {mat} and {vect} are cell arrays containing double, so I'm a bit lost as why this happens.
Thanks for your help.
on 25 Nov 2020
Edited: Stephan
on 25 Nov 2020
Does work with a column vector:
vect = [1 2 4 3]'; % creating a vector and transpose it
mat = [vect, vect]; % juste a simple matrix
% initialising a table
varnames = {'SomeTableCellData'};
vartypes = {'cell'};
Table = table('Size',[0 length(varnames)],'VariableTypes',vartypes,'VariableNames',varnames);
% this works
Table(1,'SomeTableCellData') = {mat};
% this doesn't work
Table(2,'SomeTableCellData') = {vect};
Accepted Answer
Raunak Gupta
on 4 Dec 2020
I have brought this issue (with the row vector while assignment to a table) to the notice of our developers. They will investigate the matter further.
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