mod gives incorrect result

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Steve on 31 Jul 2013
Here is a mathematical error with a simple expression:
>> mod(-sin(pi),512)
ans =
Of course, pi isn't exact, so sin(pi) gives a small negative number. That isn't good, but it is perhaps excusable. However, that mod(X, 512) ever returns 512 is totally unacceptable.
Steve on 31 Jul 2013
I don't want to use rem because I want mod(-1,512)=511. I really do want mod, but I want 0 <= mod(x,512) <5 12. I think anyone using the mod operator would want that.
I don't know if there is a better fix, but I am doing the following workaround (with floor to convert to an integer index which must be in the range 0 to N-1.):
i = floor(mod(x, N)); if (i == N) i = 0; end;
the cyclist
the cyclist on 3 Aug 2013
Edited: the cyclist on 3 Aug 2013
Another workaround would be to apply the mod function twice. [This is another indication that mod()'s output is a bit mathematically silly in this case.]

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Answers (3)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 31 Jul 2013
In order to understand this, you need to look at the fact that -sin(pi) is a negative value that has a very small magnitude (due to standard round-off issues), so mod(-sin(pi), 512) is 512-sin(pi) . But sin(pi) is less than eps(512), so 512-sin(pi) is most closely representable as 512 itself.
This is, I agree, not what I would have expected, but I had never really thought about the matter before.
Would it be better if mod(x, P) with positive P and x in (-eps(P), 0) (exclusive) be 0? Arguable, but it is not obvious to me that that possible outcome would be better than the current outcome.
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the cyclist
the cyclist on 1 Aug 2013
In essence, what is happening here is that the tiny floating point error is going through an "amplifier". It is analogous to expecting
(1 - 2/3 - 1/3)*1e17
to be 0, but it turns out to be about 5.5.
So, there is the usual aspect of "let the buyer beware" if floating point error can give a big difference in your results.
In this particular case, though, I would argue that 512 as the "most closely representable" is less compelling, because 512 is not in the theoretical range of the mod() function, mathematically. I know it sounds odd, but I think that 0 is the most closely representable number to 512-eps in this case. Mathematically,
Limit mod(512-eps,512)
is zero, not 512.

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Wayne King
Wayne King on 31 Jul 2013
Edited: Wayne King on 31 Jul 2013
Are you sure you're not confusing mod() with rem()?
If you read the help for mod(), it says that
mod(x,y) returns x-floor(x/y)*y
rem(x,y) returns x-fix(x/y)*y
is 512 because
is -1.
so essentially 0+(1)*512 = 512
on the other hand
yields essentially
Steve on 31 Jul 2013
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, if -sin(pi) isn't zero, then floor(-sin(pi)/512) is -1.
Although you write "essentially 0", it seems unwarranted to treat -sin(pi) as unequal to zero in "floor(x/y)" and equal to zero as "x". Rather than "0+(1)*512", as your write, isn't it -sin(x)-(-1)*512, which should be slightly less than 512.
Wayne King
Wayne King on 31 Jul 2013
I think "essentially 0" is warranted here since -sin(pi) is on the order of 10^(-16). For example:
rng default;
x = randn(10,1);
gives a value of 8x10^(-16) but nobody would say that the example above does NOT demonstrate perfect inversion of x.

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Wayne King
Wayne King on 31 Jul 2013
Edited: Wayne King on 31 Jul 2013
If anybody's interested in this, google:
"division and modulus for computer scientists"
mod() is implementing what Knuth termed "floored division". It's also described here:
Just FYI, Python implements the same operation for % as MATLAB mod(), but R appears to be different. R's %% operator appears to mimic rem() in MATLAB.
So in Python:
>>>import Numpy as np
returns 512.
In R
> -sin(pi)%%512
returns zero like MATLAB


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