Problem 273. Recurring Cycle Length (Inspired by Project Euler Problem 26)

Preface: This problem is inspired by Project Euler Problem 26 and uses text from that question to explain what a recurring cycle is.
A unit fraction contains 1 in the numerator. The decimal representation of the unit fractions with denominators 2 to 10 are given:
1/2 = 0.5
1/3 = 0.(3)
1/4 = 0.25
1/5 = 0.2
1/6 = 0.1(6)
1/7 = 0.(142857)
1/8 = 0.125
1/9 = 0.(1)
1/10 = 0.1
Where 0.1(6) means 0.166666..., and has a 1-digit recurring cycle. It can be seen that 1/7 has a 6-digit recurring cycle.
Create a function that can determine the length of the recurring cycle of 1/d given d.

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34.99% Correct | 65.01% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jul 13, 2024

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