SAAM II integrations package

Matlab functions to convert SAAM II to MATLAB and MATLAB to SAAM II.
Updated 1 Aug 2023

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This function is used to convert a matrix X containing time (t) and concentration (y) data into a file with the extension ".stu" that is suitable for data input in SAAM II, a software used for modeling and analysis in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
The purpose of this function is to facilitate the preprocessing of concentration-time data in MATLAB, which may involve tasks such as non-compartmental analysis (NCA) or outlier selection. Once the data is preprocessed in MATLAB, you can export the concentration-time information to be used for modeling in SAAM II.
In summary, mat2saam() is a useful function for transferring pharmacokinetic data from MATLAB to SAAM II for further analysis and modeling.
THIS IS A FIRST of MANY FUNCTIONS in development to interface MATLAB with SAAM II...

Cite As

Simone Perazzolo (2024). SAAM II integrations package (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2023a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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