
This function handles signal windowing (segmentation) tasks, by splitting the original signal into segments of the same length.
Updated 2 Nov 2023

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COPYRIGHT © Year: 2023
Holder: Simone Costantini
Affiliation: Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB),
Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
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Author's information:
Author: Simone Costantini, PhD candidate in Bioengineering
Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB)
Politecnico di Milano
Year: 2023
Function syntax: [time_win,sig_win,N_win] = signal_windowing(signal,fs,win_len,overlap,method)
  • signal: A (N,1) array containing the signal to be windowed, or a (N,2) array containing in the first column the time vector, and in the second column the signal
  • fs: {Integer scalar} Sample frequency of the signal.
  • win_len: {Integer scalar} Length (in seconds) of the window.
  • overlap: Overlap ratio. It must be a float scalar in range [0,1)
  • method: Select among 'head', 'centered', and 'tail': 'head' allows the windowing starting from the very first sample of the signal. The tail surplus will be discarded; 'centered' allows the windowing by discarding half of the surplus from the signal head, and the other half from the signal tail; 'tail' allows the windowing by discarding the surplus from the signal head.
  • time_win: Cell array containing the windowed time vectors
  • sig_win: Cell array containing the windowed signal
  • N_win: Number of windows generated

Cite As

Simone Costantini (2024). signal_windowing (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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