Implementation of ABC for Quadrature mirror filter design

Version 1.0 (1.49 MB) by praveen kumar
This program implements Artificial BEE colony for Quadrature Mirror Filter(QMF) design
Updated 21 Jan 2024

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QMF is a one type of filter, first introduced by Croisier et al., are known as the quadrature mirror filter pair. In audio/voice codecs, a quadrature mirror filter pair is often used to implement a filter bank that splits an input signal into two bands.
The ABC algorithm is based on the intelligent foraging behavior of a group of honeybees. ABC possesses three kinds of agents: employed bees, onlooker bees and scout bees.These bees are represented in the form of partitioned adjacency matrix of the molecule.

Cite As

praveen kumar (2024). Implementation of ABC for Quadrature mirror filter design (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Created with R2013a
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