
Version (1.47 KB) by Sisi Ma
This function compare if two correlation coefficients are significantly different.
Updated 11 Dec 2013

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% This function compares if two correlation coefficients are significantly
% different.
% The correlation coefficients were tansfered to z scores using fisher's r
% to z transformation.
% ref:
% Inputs: (1) r1: correlation coefficient of the first correlation (2) r2:
% correlation coefficient of the second correlation (3) n1: number of
% samples used to compute the first correlation (4) n2: number of samples
% used to compute the second correlation
% Output: (1) p: p value, the probability that H0 (the correlation
% coefficiets are not different) is correct
% Example :
% x = rand(20,1);
% y1= x+rand(20,1)*0.05;
% y2= x+rand(20,1)*0.5;
% r1=corr(x,y1);
% r1=corr(x,y2);
% p = compare_correlation_coefficients(r1,r2,length(x),length(x));

Cite As

Sisi Ma (2024). compare_correlation_coefficients (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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