
Vectorized GLCM Texture features calculations
Updated 16 Feb 2016

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This code is a vectorized AND CORRECTED version of the code submitted by Avinash Uppuluri.
The speedup is around 20x - 100x depending on GLCM size, and about 4x speedup of Avinash Uppuluri's own vectorized version.
N.B. "Sum of square: variance", "sum variance" and "difference variance" are not correctly implemented in Avinash Uppuluri's code! I have updated these.

I have also changed the nomenclature to make things more clear:
I use the term "Inverse difference" instead of "homogeneity in matlab" or "homom".
I use the term "Homogeneity" instead of "Inverse difference moment" or "homop".

I have commented out "inverse difference normalized" and "inverse difference moment normalized", since I do not see the point of only normalizing these features. (If you want these features for continuity you can remove the comments in this code to use them)

Cite As

Patrik Brynolfsson (2024). GLCMFeatures(glcm) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2014b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by: GLCM texture features

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Version Published Release Notes

Updated description on FileExchange

Updated the code and description for clarity.

Updated description
"Sum of square: variance", "sum variance" and "difference variance" have been correctly implemented. "difference average" has been added for completeness.

Changed title

Speed comparison chart added