
MEX function for wrapping, managing and using C++ resources within MATLAB.
Updated 10 Aug 2017

MEX function and a library for wrapping, managing and using C++ resources objects, function and classes within MATLAB.

Compile cppmexclass mex function.
Create resource wrapper and export create/destory functions.
Wrapper and functions can reside inside mexcppclass mex function or can
reside inside a shared library:
wrapper for C++ resource which implements mexcppclass::ModuleInterface,
write and export functions for creating wrapper instance
void Destroy<ClassName>ModuleInterface(mexcppclass::ModuleInterface *obj)
and destroying wrapper instance
void Destroy<ClassName>ModuleInterface(mexcppclass::ModuleInterface *obj).
Put created .(dll|so) library and mexcppclass mex
in the same directory. Object can be accessed by Matlab by use of commands:
% Create wrapper handle
handle = mexcppclass('create', 'ClassName=LibraryName.so')
% Create object constructor
mexcppclass('call', handle, 'create');
% Call simple methods
mexcppclass('call', handle, 'setvalue', 10);
v = mexcppclass('call', handle, 'getvalue');
% destroy object and wrapper
mexcppclass('destroy', handle);

See test/unit/testmodule.hpp and test/unit/testmodule.cpp for as a reference

Cite As

Boguslaw Rymut (2024). rymut/mexcppclass (https://github.com/rymut/mexcppclass), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2017a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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