32,043 results



by Levente Hunyadi

Draw, manipulate and reconstruct B-splines.

estimate B-splines with known knot vector, given a set of noisy data points either with known or unknown associated parameter values.As regards the interactive interface, the user is shown a figure window

B-spline registration of two 2D / 3D images or corrsp. points, affine and with smooth b-spline grid.

Affine and B-spline grid based registration and data-fitting of two 2D color/grayscale images or 3D volumes or point-data. Registration can be done intensity / pixel based, or landmark /

Numerical computation with functions

A non-local learning rule is employed in a repetitive neurocontroller based on B-spline network.

http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IECON.2013.6700120 [**] weight constraints are used instead of forgetting and that turns out to robustify the controller. Hence, the same idea has been tested also in the B-spline based repetitive neurocontroller


Version 3.6.3

by tetonedge

MATLAB library for elastic functional data analysis



by Martin Cousineau

Brainstorm: Open source application for MEG/EEG data analysis

Using Implicit B-Splines for Surface Reconstruction out of 3D point clouds.

Using Implicit B-Splines for Surface Reconstruction out of 3D point clouds.Please cite the following paper, in case of using the code:Rouhani M. and Sappa A.D., Implicit B-spline fitting using the 3L

Fit, evaluate, differentiate non-uniform B-splines of any order - fast

fastBSpline - A fast, lightweight class that implements non-uniform B splines of any order Matlab's spline functions are very general. This generality comes at the price of speed. For large-scale

Numerical computation with functions


Version 1.0.3

by milan batista

Finite element library for solving plane elasticity problems


Version 3.1.0

by Kevin Gehringer

A toolbox for nonparametric probability function estimation using normalized B-splines

A MATLAB toolbox 'bsspdfest' implementing nonparametric probability function estimation using normalized B-splines was developed. The toolbox implements nonparametric probability function estimation


Version 1.0.7

by milan batista

draw19 is a collection of the MATLAB's functions that allows one to draw various geometric entities in the plane.


Version 1.0.1

by milan batista

Planar Cosserat rod

Computes the B-spline approximation from a set of coordinates. Supports periodicity and n-th order approximation.

Computes the B-spline approximation from a set of coordinates (knots).The number of points per interval (default: 10) and the order of the B-spline (default: 3) can be changed. Periodic boundaries

Shape Context based nonrigid registration of 2D/3D objects, to build Active Shape Models

Shape Context is a method to get an unique descriptor (feature vector) for every point of an object contour or surface. This descriptor is used in combination with a b-spline free form deformation

Basic toolbox for polynomial B-splines on a uniform grid. OO overloading of common operators.

B-splines is a natural signal representation for continous signals, wheremany continous-domain operations can be carried out exactly once theB-spline approximation has been done.The B-spline

Complete Matlab pipeline for large scale calcium imaging data analysis

Given a 3D cloud of points accompanied by normals an implicit b-spline surface is reconstructed.

A fast surface reconstruction is implemented in this set of codes. Given a 3D cloud of points accompanied by normal vectors an implicit b-spline surface will be reconstructed.Please cite the


Version 1.6

by Florian Martin

Spline toolbox for the definition, evaluation and visualization of spline curves and surfaces based on standard B-splines

The Spline toolbox allows the definition, evaluation and visualization of spline curves and surfaces based on standard B-splines. Furthermore, it provides an approximation algorithm with the



by Daniel Claxton

Converted NURBS toolbox



by Dorian Depriester

Matlab toolbox for generating meshes from EBSD data

NURBS Toolbox by D.M. Spink re-uploaded. The previous link has broken.

surface between twp NURBS curves. % nrbcoons - Construct Coons bilinearly blended surface patch. % nrbplot - Plot NURBS curve or surface. % % bspeval - Evaluate a univariate B-Spline. %

Creates Toeplitz-like matrices representing interpolation operations with edge conditions.

reconstruction using cubic B-splines with different possible boundary conditions. The screenshot above shows the output of this example, and illustrates how improved signal reconstruction is obtained using

Construct coefficients of interpolating or smoothing BSplines from N-dimensional array, analytically

Class to enable BSpline signal and image processing. Based off of the papers:M. Unser, A. Aldroubi, and M. Eden, "B-Spline Signal Processing: Part I - Theory," IEEE Trans Sig Proc, 41(2):821-833

B-splines sample

Version 1.0.1

by LVillar

B-splines interpolation

Interpolación por basic splines. Para apoyo en las clases de creación de videojuegos de la Universidad Loyola, en Sevilla.

A toolbox for performing image registrations on 4D RTOG files or any other volumetric image.

This toolbox contains all the functions necessary for extraction and registration of medical RTOG images using a cubic-B-spline free form deformation technique. The optimization routine uses a

Separating periodic signals from their aperiodic background

presents a method for modelling periodic signals having an aperiodic trend using the method of variable projection. In particular, this paper focuses on using B-Splines to model the a-periodic portion. The



by Justin Blaber

2D-DIC program that uses contiguous circular subsets, biquintic B-spline interp, and complex ROIs

This computes the H-infinity optimal causal filter (indirect B-spline filter) for the cubic spline.

Computes the H-infinity optimal causal filter (indirect B-spline filter) for the cubic spline.[INPUT]d: delay[OUTPUT]psi: the optimal filter psi(z) in a TF objectgopt: optimal valueThis file is based

Workflow for chromatogram alignment using the semi-parametric time warping algorithm

Least squares approximation of 1D data using free-knots spline

The purpose of this function is to provide a flexible and robust fit to one-dimensional data using free-knot splines. The knots are free and able to cope with rapid change in the underlying model

Signal Processing on non-euclidien domain signals

G1 and G2 fitting with clothoids, circle and biarc



by Aldo Zaimi

AxonSeg is a GUI that performs axon and myelin segmentation on histology images.



by Yuanjie Zheng

nu_corrector is a tool for correcting vignetting and bias of image.

with an MRI machine, or by non-uniform X-ray beam for CT images acquired with a CT scanner. Bias is a smooth field in any format, which can be represented by for example a bipoly model, B-Spline

C-code version of B-spline repetitive controller

This model is a C-code version of http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/49023-b-spline-based-repetitive-neurocontroller uploaded by Bartlomiej Ufnalski.

A recursive function that computes the b-spline basis atoms, it's very compact

a function to compute the b-spline points on a gridusage y = spline_recursion (u,n)n is the order of the spline u is the grid pointexample:t=linspace(-2,10,10000);y1=spline

The concept of B-spline based repetitive control is explored within the frame of motion control.

remember to click the Build button in the S-Function block before attempting to run the model. More info: M. Malkowski, B. Ufnalski and L. M. Grzesiak, B-spline based repetitive controller revisited: error

Spline object modification / transformation

A little piece of code enabling quick modification of spline objects: clipping, shifting, and scaling in both x, and y.

This software finds the best deformation to register 2D curves by exploiting curvature information.



by YangQuan Chen

Zero-phase filtering using B-Spline networks.

bsn1.m implements a zerophase low pass filter using a novel structure called B-Spline Networks (BSN).This function was originally developed for use with the LFFC (learning feedforward control).A nice

This is a function to draw a closed cubic B-Spline.

This is a function to draw a closed cubic B-Spline, based on by David Salomon (great book!), page 261 (closed cubic B-Spline curve).usage:closed_cubic_bspline(P,1) will compute and plot the closed

Matlab codes for first generation curvelet and ridgelet transforms.

Fast approach to evaluating a B-spline at a given point.

This function evaluates a B-spline at a given point. It performs De Boor's algorithm in reverse order, increasing the calculation speed.



by YangQuan Chen

Zero-phase filtering using B-Spline Networks with dilation 2.

Similar to "bsn1.m", "bsn2.m" provides dilation 2 in the B-Spline network (BSN) which are used as a new way of performing approximate zero-phase low pass filtering.The transfer function of the


Version 1.0.0

by hosein sepahvand

Draw Cubic, Hermite, Bezier and B-Spline curves by entered points.

This project introduces a fast maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method for PV systems. The method is based on spline interpolation.

The attached file contains simulations of the following paper:Novel Spline-MPPT Technique for Photovoltaic Systems Under Uniform Irradiance and Partial Shading

GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-ON for MATLAB

This is an image registration Matlab program developed based on B-spline composition and level sets.

In this code, the image is defined using B-spline level set functions and they are deformed by using a composition approach. The computation composed of efficient algorithms for calculating the


Version 1.1.2

by Edoardo Patelli

OpenCossan is an open and free toolbox for uncertainty quantification and management.

MATLAB interface to aid in plotting of VMEC output.

Single-cell Gene Expression Analysis Toolbox

A toolbox for medical image registration.

Sandia Matlab AnalysiS Hierarchy


Version 1.0.0

by Tor Wager

Core tools required for running Canlab Matlab toolboxes. The heart of this toolbox is object-oriented tools that enable interactive analysis


Version 1.1.4

by Enrico Bertolazzi

1D and 2D splines

`Splines` is a set of C++ classes (with MATLAB mex interface) which implements varios spline interpolation.The classes are the following: - ConstantSpline, for piecewise constants functions -



by Max Radin

MATLAB functions for processing data from the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP).

hyperdistance from NEB calculation.neb_spline(directory,N)Fit energies and forces of a NEB calculation using a spline.num_images()Determine number of images used in a NEB calculation.number2chemsym(Z)Get the

Parameterized parts for Simscape Multibody, with gear assemblies and MATLAB code for extrusions

: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Multibody-Parts-Library/archive/ R2022b: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Multibody-Parts-Library/archive/ R2022a: https://github.com/mathworks/Simscape-Multibody-Parts-Library/archive/ R2021b

A vectorized, parallel capable, cubic spline interpolation/extrapolation function for non-uniformly distributed 1d data

The publication of this function was inspired by the poor job done by several implementations of the 1d cubic spline publications in Matlab's file exchange repos.This function was part of one of my

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