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How can i create a pointer for more than one array?
Hi @Peer Blumido, To pass multiple images to the DLL function using a pointer, we need to ensure that the images are stored se...
17 hours ago | 0
Set the origin from bottom left corner of the image for ginput() function?
Hi Jiapeng, To resolve the issue of “ginput()” not reflecting the visually flipped y-axis in MATLAB, we need to manually adjus...
21 hours ago | 0
Break a PAUSE inside a PARFOR loop
Hi Nex, To manage parallel data acquisition from two hardware devices in MATLAB, a “parfor” loop runs two tasks concurrently: ...
1 day ago | 0
Changing from 2D plot to 3D plot and to STL file
Hi @Anh Phan Viet, To create a 3D plot with thickness by extruding 2D shapes into the third dimension, we can use "fill3" func...
2 days ago | 0
When using checkbox, how do I cancel the last check?
Hi @han han, This issue can be resolved by implementing a “persistent” variable to store the handles of the text objects, allo...
19 days ago | 0
Overload basic arithmetic for classes arrays?
Hi @Alex Kashuba, The task of overloading the “plus” operator for a custom MATLAB class can be achieved by defining a method na...
20 days ago | 0
Make function reset for every interval/day
Hi @Helena Hjørringgaard, As I understand, the task is to perform and accumulate daily calculations on minute-by-minute time-s...
20 days ago | 0
i need help on solve function
Hi @MD.MASHRAVI SHAMS, The error occurs because the “solve” function is expecting symbolic variables as input, but numeric val...
20 days ago | 0
writetables data on excel
Hi @Nick Pappas, We can append data to an Excel file by first checking if the file already exists and then reading the current...
21 days ago | 0
Plotting wave solution at specific time
Hi @bml727, We can plot the solution at time step (t = 0.3) by updating the plot for the sixth iteration of the solution array...
21 days ago | 0
Hi @Dalibor Zeman, To programmatically collect the display names of all plotted curves, we use “findall” function in MATLAB to...
22 days ago | 0
How to graph alternative solution of a function
Hi @Adam Thompson, We can plot both possible solutions of (A) against the launch angles by using two distinct initial guesses ...
22 days ago | 0
Missing context menu for "axes" contained in "uifigure" parent
Hi @Alexander May, In MATLAB, “uifigure” and “figure” objects have different underlying architectures, which is why we notice ...
23 days ago | 0
Conversion of HF File to mat File
Hi @Humera Yasir, To convert an HDF5 (.h5) file into a MATLAB (.mat) file, we can use built-in functions of MATLAB to read the...
26 days ago | 0
Filter Data In Table App Designer
Hi @Eshe Boyette, To filter the data table based on the user input in MATLAB, first we need to ensure that the Excel file is c...
26 days ago | 0
runtime of sparse matrix components allocation
Hi @reza aghaee, The performance slowdown you are observing is due to the way MATLAB handles sparse matrix allocation. Although...
27 days ago | 0
Plot multiple results using for loop
Hi @rex a, To fix the issue of mismatched vector lengths when plotting the filtered signals, we need to ensure that the time v...
27 days ago | 0
Writing cell arrays to Excel
Hi @george pepper, To convert the entire dataset into tabular format and write into an excel file, we can first iterate each r...
28 days ago | 0
Loop through grid layout takes FOREVER. How can I optimize the code?
Hi @Johnny Birch, To optimize the performance of the MATLAB code, creating many text areas in a grid layout, we can implement ...
28 days ago | 0
Plotting multiple patterns of an array
Hi @Muhammad Usman Ghani, To achieve the desired result of displaying both polar and rectangular plots of array’s radiation pa...
28 days ago | 0
Need help for Zoom function in AppDesigner
Hi @Umair Mughal, In App designer, handling events like pan and zoom can be a bit different from working with traditional figu...
29 days ago | 0
Converting .tif file into an .ascii file
Hi @Ahmed Abdulla, As I understand it, you are attempting to convert a “.tif” image file into a numerical matrix in MATLAB, wit...
29 days ago | 0
Minimize array of functions witn multiple variables
Hi @Marina Timakova, From my understanding, you have written MATLAB Code to optimize the parameters (a), (b), and (c) to minim...
30 days ago | 0
How to extract trajectories based on trial times from another array?
Hi Alex, As I understand it, you are working with two arrays, one containing time, X, and Y coordinates of a paw’s movement, an...
2 months ago | 0
Random phase generator inside a iteration loop
Hi @Soong Wei Kang, From my understanding, you are working on a phase retrieval algorithm in MATLAB, which involves manipulatin...
2 months ago | 0
How to save multiple .mat files data into single .mat file?
Hi @hirra awan, From my understanding, you have multiple “.mat” files, each containing multiple image patches/blocks of size 3...
2 months ago | 0
how to put rand syntax in a matrix operation?
Hi @raqib Iqbal, From my understanding, you have written MATLAB code to define the “ROM” matrix by pairing the first few value...
2 months ago | 0
String vectors in HDF5
Hi Peter, As I understand it, you want to know how we can create and store data in an HDF5 file from a string array/ char cell...
2 months ago | 0
how to calculate image prediction ?
Hi Narimen, As I understand it, you want to calculate the prediction error image “e (i,j)” of the input image, based on the gi...
2 months ago | 0
Real time plotting of data from csv file
Hi Kishor, From my understanding, you are reading the data from a sensor and capturing it into a CSV file. You want to plot th...
2 months ago | 0