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Workspace big data to load into simulink
Hi @richa mishra, I see that you are having trouble in importing data from the MATLAB's workspace to Simulink. This MATLAB An...

11 days ago | 0

Turning a matrix in to a multi color graph
Hi @Conner Carriere, I see that you want to convert your matrix into a multiple colored plot with customized colors assigned to...

11 days ago | 0

Convert a vector to a matrix in MATLAB. How can I do this?
Hi @pargol tabatabaee, On careful observation of matrix 'B', it can be observed that it is a symmetric matrix i.e B = B'(B Tran...

11 days ago | 0

How can I find the values through the excel field that I imported to matlab?
Hi @Emre Eryigit, I understand that you want to read an excel file and then retrieve data from it based on some conditions. In...

12 days ago | 0

clustering the random numbers
Hi @Lakshmi Thara R, According to my interpretation of the question, I understand that you have a 1x40 matrix and an argument '...

12 days ago | 0

What are these blocks/components on simulink?
Hi @Ara Liz, In the above attached image three type Simulink blocks are used which are as follows: 1. Unit Delay Block: The Un...

13 days ago | 0

Extract just URL using Regular Expressions
Hi @Marko Rajkovic, In order to extract only URL's from a given text or scripts, you can construct regular expressions and then...

13 days ago | 0

Error in conversion of dates to empty year vectors.
Hi @Chameleon17, I see that you are facing an issue while using 'datevec' function in MATLAB. This type of error is generally ...

16 days ago | 0

Looking for help in using structs in multiple functions
Hi @Maxwell Hasenauer, I understand that you want to use 'struct' and you are particularly struggling with usage of 0x1 struct....

16 days ago | 0

Extract and sort size of matrix where in the cell
Hi @Amir Azadeh Ranjbar, I understand that you want to extract the connected componets in the descending order and also find ou...

1 month ago | 0

How to read multiple .bin files which are in one folder
Hi @C PRASAD, I understand that you want to read multiple files from a folder which are ending with a .BIN extension. You can ...

1 month ago | 0

Finite Block Length Regime
Hi @A_SD, I see that you need help in calculating Finite Block Length Regime Rate using MATLAB code. The finite block length r...

1 month ago | 0

Trying to plot two graphs in Live with a for loop, the second graph overwrites the first graph, Cannot produce 2 separate graphs.
Hi @Randall Lilko, I see that you are trying to produce two separate graphs but somehow your second graph is overwriting the fi...

2 months ago | 0

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Is it possible to integrate the HDL CODE generated by simulink into an existing user-defined vivado project?
Hi @Xiaojie, I understand you are asking if it is possible to integrate code generated by HDL Coder into a Xilinx Vivado projec...

2 months ago | 1

| accepted

How to read an array of set number of characters from a binary file while skipping bytes in between.
Hi @Andre, I see that you are wondering if there is an efficient way to pull out strings from a binary file which are mixed wit...

2 months ago | 0

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How to save numerous variables from different files in a csv in a for loop
Hi @Bradley, It looks like you want to add multiple rows to a CSV file within a loop and currently your data is being overwritt...

2 months ago | 0

how to plot multiple data sets on a single geoplot?
Hi @Bradley, I understand that you're looking to plot the latitude and longitude points for each vehicle individually using 'ge...

2 months ago | 1

| accepted

How to exit an if else loop without continuing with the other lines of code?
Hi @Manuel S Mathew, I see that you want execute different functions based on the user input and if the input is unrecognized t...

2 months ago | 0

How to do an iteration with for loop
Hi @Jenjen Ahmad Zaeni, I see that you want to update the value of "Lj" to be processed everytime the loop runs an iteration. ...

2 months ago | 0

how to save results in each loop by using for
Hi @Mahdi Torabi, I see that you want to save the results generated in different iterations of the "for" loop. There can be m...

2 months ago | 0

JavaScript nested for loops
Hi @Lu Ella, I understand that you want to create a grid of co-ordinate points from (0,0) to (9,9) and then delete the diagonal...

2 months ago | 0

How to fix my for loop to continue to the next value in the list when condition is false?
Hi @Amanda, I see that you have a piece of code and you are facing an error “Index exceeds the number of array elements (13)” ...

2 months ago | 0

form a MATLAB function which calculates the difference between TAI
Hi @Oktay, I see that you want to create a MATLAB function to calculate the time difference between the TAI and UTC time. To...

2 months ago | 0

Sorting a Matrix based on a identified vector.
Hi @Mohannad Alzard, I understand that there is an array containing binary entries which is shuffled according to the order sp...

2 months ago | 0

For loop inside for loop
Hi @Isma_gp, I see that currently you are processing a row vector to extract a row vector containing peaks and want to extend ...

2 months ago | 0

How can I create a clear 2D plot that shows the distribution of values across a full latitude and longitude range with color shading?
Hi @Shri, I see that you have some spatial data and you want help in creating a 2D color plot with color shading to show intens...

3 months ago | 0

Timeseries data convergence test
Hi @Kommineni chandra sekhar, I see that you have some velocity data and you want to find the running mean and rms values. To ...

3 months ago | 0

Greetings, I want to ask about the error in line 10. E be the tetrahedron bounded by the planes x=0, y=0, z=0, x+y+z=2. I don't how to fix it. Any helps would be appreciated.
Hi @Diep, I see that you want to use “slice” function of MATLAB for slicing your volumetric data. The issue maybe because of t...

3 months ago | 0

Deleting Spaces in an Hex Array
Hi @tinkyminky93, I see that you have an array which contains some space separated hexadecimal numbers and you want to remove t...

3 months ago | 0

How I can solve the problem of Loop?
Hi @Anu Sharma, I see that you have variables ‘X’, ‘Y1’, ‘Y2’ and ‘Y3’ and want to estimate the value of ‘Y’ which will be a Nx...

3 months ago | 0

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