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How to create a state space model with constant term and do feedback.

63 views (last 30 days)
I have the discrete time system -
x(k+1) = [A]*x(k) + [B]*u(k) + c
y(k) = [C]*x(k)
I have read online that I can merge the constant term into B by doing [B 1] * [u1(k) ; u2(k)] with u2(k) = c ( I have no control over this input). ie the system becomes
x(k+1) = [A]*x(k) + [B 1]*[u1(k) ; c]
y(k) = [C]*x(k).
However, when I do state feed back, how can I ensure that u2(k) = c?
Marcus on 15 Oct 2024 at 19:44
See my recent response to Aquatris. Just represent closed loop dyanamics with ss(A-B*K,B*G,C,D,Ts) due to the control law u_k = G*r_k - K*x_k.
Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 16 Oct 2024 at 5:05
You appear to have used the continuous-time linear system to place the discrete-time closed-loop pole inside the unit circle (stable region of discrete-time linear system), which is considered incorrect.

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Accepted Answer

Marcus on 18 Oct 2024 at 21:28
The solution that I found to work for my system is by representing
as the follwing uncontrollable system
with initial conditions .
State feedback and steady state tracking involve placing the poles of A and B of the origianl system and not the poles of the uncontrollable system.
ie the close loop system is -
Acl = [A-B*K eye(size(A));
0 eye(size(A))]
Bcl = [B;0]
C = [C,eye(size(A))]
Dcl = 0
sys_cl = ss(Acl,Bcl,Ccl,Dcl)

More Answers (1)

Aquatris on 15 Oct 2024 at 7:50
You can define which inputs and outputs are connected to your controller. Checkout the feedback function page and look at the 'Specify Input and Output Connections in a Feedback Loop' section.
First try it yourself to figure it out, cause it is a nice exercise to understand documentation and how to search for things. If you get stuck while doing it, provide what you have done and we can guide you.
Aquatris on 15 Oct 2024 at 9:43
Edited: Aquatris on 15 Oct 2024 at 9:56
It is a general representation. State feedback essentially means your observation matrix C is identity matrix with a size of nxn where n is the number of states.
So in addition to your actual output, you can create another output for your feedback controller that would have the state information, something like:
Then you need to connect the y_states as an input to your feedback controller and connect u1 to the output of your feedback controller
Marcus on 15 Oct 2024 at 19:42
Edited: Marcus on 15 Oct 2024 at 21:57
I seem to still be having trouble. This is what I've done so far.
A = [0.999979515574799];
B = [0.00001070633417008353561593759356585 1];
C = [1; 1];
D = [0];
c = 0.0046089956808409359920175596414538;
Ts = 1;
sys1 = ss(A,B,C,D,Ts)
sys1 has 2 inputs / 2 outputs / 1 state
I want to use the following control law where for steady state tracking and K is my gains matrix.
K = place(A,B,0.5);
G = inv(C*inv(1-(A-B*K))*B);
I am not sure how to represent this controller in state space form. I want to connect y_states to u1 with feedback(sys1, sys2, [1], [2], -1]), but I am not sure how to formulate sys2. How should I do this?
Typically, if c=0, I would use ss(A-B*K,B*G,C,D) to represend my closed loop dynamics, but this already incoroprates feedback.
Also, nowhere have I specified that u2 = c, is this done by setting my reference input to c (ie r2_k = c)?
Edit: Seems that G does not exist since a left inverse doenst exist. Anyway how would this be done with u = r - Kx?

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