Matlab Multivariable Minimization Problem

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I'm trying to develop the adaptive unsharp algorithm described by Polesel et al. in the article "Image Enhancement via Adaptive Unsharp Masking". The core of the algorithm is the minimization of a cost function defined as:
J(m,n) = E[e(m,n)^2] = E[(gd(m,n)-gy(m,n))^2]
where E[] is the statistical expectation and gy(m,n) is:
gy(m,n) = gx(m,n) + lambda1(m,n)*gzx(m,n) + lambda2(m,n)*gzy(m,n);
I want to find lambda1 and lambda2 for each pixel in order to minimize the cost function in each pixel. Here the code that I wrote so far:
function [ o_sharpened_image ] = AdaptativeUnsharpMask( i_image , t1, t2)
%ADAPTATIVEUNSHARPMASK Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
if isa(i_image,'dip_image')
i_image = dip_array(i_image);
if ~isfloat(i_image)
i_image = im2double(i_image);
adh = 4;
adl = 3;
g = [-1 -1 -1; -1 8 -1; -1 -1 -1];
dim = size(i_image);
lambda_x = 0.5*ones(dim);
lambda_y = 0.5*ones(dim);
z_x = conv2(i_image,[-1 2 -1],'same');
z_y = conv2(i_image,[-1; 2; -1],'same');
g_x = conv2(i_image,g,'same');
g_zx = conv2(z_x,g,'same');
g_zy = conv2(z_y,g,'same');
a = ones(dim);
variance_map = colfilt(i_image,[3 3],'sliding',@var);
a(variance_map >= t1 & variance_map < t2) = adh;
a(variance_map >= t2) = adl;
g_d = a.*g_x;
lambda = [lambda_x lambda_y];
lambda0 = lambda;
[lambda_min] = lsqnonlin(@(lambda) UnsharpCostFunction(lambda,g_d,g_zx,g_zy),lambda0);
o_sharpened_image = i_image + lambda_min(:,1:size(i_image,2)).*z_x + lambda_min(:,size(i_image,2)+1:end).*z_y;
Here the code of the cost function:
function [ J ] = UnsharpCostFunction( i_lambda, i_gd, i_gzx, i_gzy )
%UNSHARPCOSTFUNCTION Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
gy = i_gd + i_lambda(:,1:size(i_gd,2)).*i_gzx + i_lambda(:,size(i_gd,2)+1:end).*i_gzy;
J = mean((i_gd(:) - gy(:)).^2);
For each iteration I print on the command window the value of the J function and it is always the same. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

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