how to set the encoding of MATLAB m-files to be UTF8
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I want to insert an m-file into LaTeX, and there are Chinese characters in my m-files, so I need the encoding of m-files to be UTF8.I have searched for some materials on the web, and I found the MATLAB command: slCharacterEncoding. So, I closed all the m-files and input the" slCharacterEncoding('UTF-8') "in the command window. But when I opened the m-file using Notepad++, the encoding with Chinese characters still is GB2312, and the m-files without Chinese characters is normal (UTF8).
how should I do to set the matlab editor to be UTF8 encoding? thanks
Answers (2)
Image Analyst
on 27 Sep 2019
Maybe open the file for reading, then open a file for writing using fopen(filename, , wt, 'UTF-8') (not sure if there is a parameter name that goes before UTF-8 so check the documentation. Then read from one file and write to the output file.
MathWorks Support Team
on 19 Feb 2021
Edited: MathWorks Support Team
on 19 Feb 2021
As of R2020a, the MATLAB Editor will default to saving new files using UTF-8. When opening existing files, the Editor and other functions like type or fopen automatically determine the current encoding. One can explicitly specify that the file should be saved using UTF-8 using the Save As dialog.
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