Generative AI

Research ethics using generative A.I

Mike on 25 Apr 2024
Latest activity Reply by Nada Jasim Habeeb on 31 May 2024

Dear members, I’m currently doing research on the subject of using Generative A.I. as a digital designer. What our research group would like to know is which ethical issues have a big impact on the decisions you guys and girls make using generative A.I.
Whether you’re using A.I. or not, we would really like to know your vision and opinion about this subject. Please empty your thoughts and oppinion into your answers, we would like to get as much information as possible.
Are you currently using A.I. when doing your job? Yes, what for. No (not yet), why not?
Using A.I., would you use real information or alter names/numbers to get an answer?
What information would or wouldn’t you use? If the client is asking/ordering you to do certain things that go against your principles, would you still do it because order is order? How far would you go?
Who is responsible for the outcome of the generated content, you or the client?
Would you still feel like a product owner if it was co-developed with A.I.?
What we are looking for is that we would like to know why people do or don’t use AI in the field of design and wich ethical considerations they make. We’re just looking for general moral line of people, for example: 70% of designers don’t feel owner of a design that is generated by AI but 95% feels owner when it is co-created.
So therefore the questions we asked, we want to know the how you feel about this.
Nada Jasim Habeeb
Nada Jasim Habeeb on 31 May 2024
As an academic researcher, I consider artificial intelligence an important tool in achieving rich scientific value and speed in completing some of my scientific research work. Therefore, I consider it an important tool in all cases, and deep thanks to those who contributed to this achievement.
If you have specific questions regarding your topic, please send them to me so that I can answer them honestly.
Thank you
Chen Lin
Chen Lin on 16 May 2024
Have you seen Microsoft New Future of Work Report 2023? There are a lot of great insights there and might be useful for your research. The discussion of “moral crumple zones" is interesting.


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