
Chen Lin

The MATLAB Central community contests 2022 have concluded. Congratulations to the winners!

Chen Lin on 8 Nov 2022
Latest activity Reply by John Noah Ramiterre on 5 Nov 2023

The 2022 community contests have concluded! During the 4 weeks, we hope you had a lot of fun and learned some MATLAB skills. Together, we've achieved amazing milestones:
  • 500+ entries and 5,000+ votes created in the Mini Hack 2022 contest.
  • 100,000+ solutions submitted in Cody 10th Anniversary contest
  • 2,000+ participants in both contests
Now, it's time to announce weekly winners and grand prize winners!
Mini Hack - Pick of the MATLAB Graphics Team
We invited the MATLAB Graphics team, the authors of the MATLAB functions used in every entry, to be our Mini Hack judges. Here are their picks in 3 categories:
  • Our Top 3:
Rising Hand by Augusto Mazzei
Object used: fill; Judge comments: Clever code, nice metaphor, kind comments
Object used: patch (via VOXview); Judge comments: Very pretty, looks like it could be in a video game
Monocular rivalry by Jenny Bosten
Object used: Image; Judge comments: We spent a too much time trying to figure out what this illusion was doing to our brains
  • Clever use of Charts:
Object used: Bar3; Judge comments: Cute! Nice fireworks!
Ship by Shanshan Wang
Object used: histogram2; Judge comments: We didn't realize there was a ship in the flow data set
A fish for fun by Shanshan Wang
Object used: plot; Judge comments: Nifty and very different from other entries.
Colorful Fibonacci Spiral #3 by Basil Imoberdorf
Object used: scatter; Judge comments: Overlapping markers make for a very cool tunnel-like effect
  • Things we still loved:
Sandstone by Tim
Object used: image; Judge comments: Domain Warping FTW
Jellyfish by Tim
Object used: surface; Judge comments: Clever use of transparency
Congratulations and you should be very proud of yourself! It's a huge achievement that your entry is recognized by the MATLAB Graphics team!
Mini Hack - special category for Week 4
Our Week 4 special category is ‘Holiday’. The winner is Christmas snowman by Simon Thor
Mini Hack - grand prize winners
After an intensive (and very time-consuming) review of votes on winning entries, we have finalized the list of grand prize winners. Huge congratulations! We appreciate the time and effort you spent and the awesome entries you created. Each of you won an Amazon gift card.
Anton Kogios, Brandon Caasenbrood, KARUPPASAMYPANDIYAN M, Teodo, Jenny Bosten, MvLevi, Abdullah Caliskan, Stewart Thomas, Jonas Schlatter, and Tim Davis
Cody 10th Anniversary - surprise prize for 28-day streak winners
We are thrilled to see that 37 players have built a streak of 28 days! Coming back every day to solve problems is an incredible achievement. We decided to show our appreciation by awarding a surprise prize to those 37 players. Congratulations! Each of you will get a MathWorks T-shirt.
Christian Schröder, Stefan Abendroth, Mohammed, Victoria, Vasileios Pasialis, Gerardo Domínguez Ramírez, HH, Anton Kogios, Lizhi Zhu, Marco Fuscà, Armando Longobardi, Monica, Rithik KRT, Ayman, Teodo, Lincoln Poon, Elijah Keifert, siranjeevi gurumani, kazuyoshi kouno, Ryan Koh, Manuela Kaiser, Mehmet OZC, Dyuman Joshi, KOTHAPALLI SRI BRINDA, Gergely Patay, abyss, Takumi, Keita Abe, Petr Cerny, Shubham Shubham, Meredith, Andrew K, Atsushi Ueno, Peter Orthmann, Armando Longobardi, Chuang Tao, and David Romero
Cody 10th Anniversary winners – Week 4
The top 3 players for solving the most problems in week 4 are Christian Schröder, Gerardo Dominguez Ramirez, and Stefan Abendroth, Congratulations! Each of you won an Amazon gift card.
Week 4 lucky winners are Qingrui Liu and Basant Ale.
Cody 10th Anniversary winners – grand prize winners
We know how hard it is to be a top-10 leader in the contest leaderboard! It requires a huge time commitment and advanced MATLAB skills. Congratulations! Each of you will win an Amazon gift card.
Christian Schröder, Stefan Abendroth, Mohammed, Victoria, Vasileios Pasialis, Gerardo Domínguez Ramírez, HH, Anton Kogios, Lizhi Zhu, and Marco Fuscà
Lucky voters and participants
Thank you for your participation in our 2022 contests. You don’t need to be on the top of the leaderboards to win. As we announced, we would give out 20 MathWorks T-shirts to lucky voters and participants of the 2 contests.
Ismail Bera Altan, Robin Stolz, Michael Mellin, Kellan Smith, Neha Shaah, Siranjeevi gurumani, Paul Villain, Andrew Horchler, Meg Noah, Saurabh Chaudhary, Pakize erdogmus, Godfrey Ojerheghan, Selena Mastrodonato, Damir Rasic, Thomas Kjeldsen, Meredith, John Noah Ramiterre, Patience Oliveira, Panda, and Sujeet Kumar Choudhary
On behalf of the MATLAB Central community team, we thank you for joining our celebration of the MATLAB Central community 2022 contests. We hope you enjoyed these contests and look forward to seeing you in next year’s contests.
John Noah Ramiterre
John Noah Ramiterre on 5 Nov 2023
this might be too late, but can i still get my t-shirt?
Godfrey Ojerheghan
Godfrey Ojerheghan on 13 Dec 2022

Thank you for the gifts. I appreciate MATHWORKS and MATLAB.

Chen Lin
Chen Lin on 13 Dec 2022
I'm glad you like them. Thanks for participating in 2022 contests. Hope to see you next year!
Teodo on 14 Nov 2022
Neha Shaah
Neha Shaah on 9 Nov 2022
I was hoping to see more winners in the Week 4 specials - Holiday - as there were many entries from across the globe and it is holiday season for all.
Would love to participate in more events like this
Jenny Bosten
Jenny Bosten on 8 Nov 2022
Congratulations to contestants on some great creations in this year's mini hack! My favourite entries were Tim's Above the Clouds and Adam Danz's Rain on the Window Pane.
Tim on 9 Nov 2022
I thought I saw an entry of yours that made lighting but I can't find it anymore - it liked it because it used "deal"! Some other favorite entries this year: Brandon Caasenbrood's "Beauty of Discrete-Time Attractors", Steward Thomas' "Lunar Shadows", David Massiello's "Sailing in calm waters", Shan Shan Wang's "Share you an overcoat for keeping warm", Neha Shaah's "Inverted Sunspots", Adam Danz's "Rain On The Window Pane," Jenny Bosten's "Corona", and Eric Ludlam's "Scheherazade Pumpkin," (though he had a whole digital plant nursery this year...)
Jenny Bosten
Jenny Bosten on 9 Nov 2022
I deleted it because I didn't think it was very pretty! I'll have another crack at a lightening storm next year if we get a few more characters!
Tim on 8 Nov 2022
Thank you Matlab staff, for conducting this competition again this year, it was very enjoyable! My coding legibility is requiring a bit of recovery time. I am very curious to know where the 280 limit came from - is there a story behind that?
Ned Gulley
Ned Gulley on 8 Nov 2022
Thanks for playing, Tim! I think that limiting the number of characters is a fun constraint. It makes the code, as you rightly point out, less legible, but it makes the challenge more entertaining. So once you decide there's going to be a limit, what should it be? It's pretty arbitrary. It needs to be big enough to do something interesting, but not so big as to not really be a constraint at all. We picked 280 characters because that's the maximum length of a tweet. Not that we're really tweeting the code, but theoretically you could. We have indeed been amazed what people can do with a tweetsworth of MATLAB!
Tim on 8 Nov 2022
Wow, length of a tweet, I didn't think of that but it makes sense. I was hoping the limit would get modified by +20 in the future (assuming something similar happens again...) because it would completely change the submission landscape, but now I'm afraid it can only get modified by -20!
Chen Lin
Chen Lin on 8 Nov 2022
Interesting discussion. Tim, if we are going to support GIF next year, what characters limit do you want to see?
Tim on 9 Nov 2022
Hello Chen Lin, supporting GIF sounds like a really great idea and would totally change the landscape of submissions. Regarding number of characters: I agree with Paul!
Paul Villain
Paul Villain on 9 Nov 2022

A hundred times yes for gif next year, please think about the need for loops when dealing with animations as opposed to highly vectorized entries of this year. Might be a bit tricky to create a gif in 280 characters (doesn't mean I wouldn't accept the challenge though)

Nadir Altinbas
Nadir Altinbas on 8 Nov 2022
Ive totally 22 votes but count 5
Chen Lin
Chen Lin on 8 Nov 2022
Hi Nadir. The ranking is based on the highest votes your entry can get.
Nadir Altinbas
Nadir Altinbas on 8 Nov 2022

Matlab and mathworks are computing environment ,contest should ve more competitive and computitif what i mean # of highest views plus # of remix plus # of votes ,each should has percentage value then curve leaderboard to define levels rank.your ranking were basically this iş committment for next contest

Chen Lin
Chen Lin on 8 Nov 2022
Thanks for the ideas, Nadir. We will have a competely different voting mechanism next year.

See Also