
We have a new ODE framework in MATLAB R2023b. What ODE functionality do you want next?

Mike Croucher on 19 Jan 2024
Latest activity Reply by Mike Croucher on 22 Jan 2024

This was a very popular post at the time - many thousands of views. Clearly everyone cares about ODEs in MATLAB.
This made me wonder. If you could wave a magic wand, what ODE functionality would you have next and why?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Jan 2024
These would be very similar to events, but after isolating to the boundary, the computation would resume.
The reason for this is to allow discontinuities -- the computation path would not necessarily be the same on either side of the waypoints.
This would replace the loop of calling the ode routine with event handler, record partialy results, adjusting the tspan, calling again...
I see people using this flow a lot. (And even more cases where people should be using this flow but are too stubborn because they don't get an error message...)
Over the longer term, a hook to alter the boundary conditions at the waypoint would be useful for scenarios such as bouncing ball or regular injection of drugs, but it might be tricky to find a good conceptual framework for that.
Mike Croucher
Mike Croucher on 22 Jan 2024
Thank you. I've raised this with development.


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