650 results

Red Blue Colormap


by Adam Auton

A colormap from bright blue, through white, and then to bright red.

REDBLUE(M), is an M-by-3 matrix that defines a colormap.The colors begin with bright blue, range through shades of blue to white, and then through shades of red to bright red. REDBLUE, by itself, is

200 colormaps



by Joshua Atkins

Extra colormaps for plotting. Contains diverging, sequential, categorical, and perceptual maps.

This is an embarrassingly simple function to augment the currently available MATLAB colormaps. It works as a seamless replacement for the current maps like jet and hsv. So to use it you just call

This function is able to define a customized colormap given the positions and the colors that are required to make the gradients.

', 'pink-white-green', 'brown-white-pool'.Example of use:J = customcolormap([0 0.5 1], {'#ffffff','#ff0000','#000000'});colorbar; colormap(J); axis off;

The complete palette of ColorBrewer 2.0 colormaps. Simple selection by scheme name and map length.

BREWERMAP provides all ColorBrewer 2.0 colorschemes for MATLAB, with simple selection by colormap length and colorscheme name. Alternatively the colorscheme name can be preselected, after which only

A versatile implementation of the CubeHelix algorithm to create colormaps (suitable for grayscale conversion)

CUBEHELIX generates colormaps for published or distributed documents as they are very attractive in full color and yet are suitable for grayscale conversion.CUBEHELIX creates different colormaps

Perceptually-uniform colormaps inspired by oceanography

These colormaps were developed by Kristen Thyng using viscm. They are perceptually uniform, as color should be when it serves as a numeric axis. If these colormaps are useful for you, please consider

Creates a filled contour plot, with more precise control over colors than contourf.

contourfcmap.m: filled contour plot with precise colormapAuthor: Kelly KearneyThis repository includes the code for the contourfcmap.m Matlab function, along with all dependent functions required to

Use multiple colormaps per figure or axis! Works for many types of objects, not only images.

freezeColors/unfreezeColorsfreezeColors allows multiple colormaps to be used per figure and even within a single axis.HistoryIn 2005 freezeColors was written to enable multiple colormaps in a single

MATLAB color utilities including COLORMAP join and interpolation; freeze and fit COLORBAR, etc.

These are some utilities that improve the COLORMAP and COLORBAR functions. They are as follows, and each one includes help and examples: COLORMAP utilites:cmapping - Colormap linear

Perceptually uniform scientific colormaps from Fabio Crameri.

AboutA simple Matlab function for Fabio Crameri's perceptually uniform scientific colormaps.Usagecrameri without any inputs displays the options for colormaps.crameri ColormapName sets the colormap

MatPlotLib's default perceptually uniform colormap VIRIDIS and distinctive line ColorOrder TAB10

From MatPlotLib 2 and 3:the default sequential colormap VIRIDIS (as well as INFERNO, MAGMA, and PLASMA).the default line colororder TAB10 (as well as TAB20, TAB20B, and TAB20C).the perceptually

New Improved colormaps taken from python.

Perceptually uniform colormaps adds 4 new colormaps that are:1) Perceptually uniform (delta color is equal in all delta data)2) Colorblind friendly3) Good at grayscale conversion4) Pretty!Colormaps

7 perceptual colormaps with rainbow-like colors and 1 with heat colors

PMKMP Returns perceptually balanced colormaps PMKMP(N,SCHEME) returns an Nx3 colormap. usage: map=pmkmp(n,scheme);%% Example1: 128-color rainbow with cubic-law luminance (default) load mandrill

Jet-based colormap that contains white in its middle point.

This function defines a new colormap with the same colors that "jet", but it also replaces the green tones with white ones. This is specially useful when a signed metric is depicted, and its null

Create and apply GMT-style colormaps in Matlab

cptcmap.m DocumentationAuthor: Kelly KearneyThis function creates and applies a colormap defined in a color palette table (.cpt file). Color palette files provide more flexible colormapping than

Create tints of colors and colormaps

Create specified tints of colors and colormaps or show examples of tints.To create shades, see http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47245-color-shades

Create multiple colormaps and colorbars in (seemingly) the same set of axes.

This function creates a new set of invisible axes matching the size and extents of the current axes. This allows additional colormaps to be used in such a way that they are perceived as multiple

Plot lots of lines with very distinguishable and aesthetically pleasing colors. Works for 'N' colors

The default Matlab default line spec and colormaps are astoundingly crude. This function creates distinguishable colors by spacing them out ~equally in *perceptive* space, not in RGB space. It is

Generate maximally-distinct colors in an RGB colormap.

MAXDISTCOLOR generates an RGB colormap of maximally-distinct colors.MAXDISTCOLOR has two required input arguments:the number of colors, specified as a positive number.a function handle that converts

Bipolar Colormap


by Ged Ridgway

Symmetric/diverging/bipolar cold-neutral-hot colormap

colormap with a linear intensity/luminance variation when results are converted to grayscale. This requires the neutral gray-level to be 0.5.

A colormap generator to display positive values as blue and negative values as red. Zero is displayed as either white or black.

Generates a RED-BLUE colormap with zero as white or black. Positive values are displayed as blue intensities and negative values are displayed as red intensities. Zero can be selected to be either

Buillds any sequence of colormaps based on wrgbcmyk colors

This function can be used to build your own custom colormaps. Imagine if you want to display rainfall distribution map. You want a colormap which ideally brings rainfall in mind, which is not

A colormap that attempts to be color blind friendly

A collection of colormaps from https://matplotlib.org/cmocean/

A collection of perceptually uniform colormaps copied from https://matplotlib.org/cmocean/To set the colormap, use "colormap(Colormap.[mapname])"The [mapname] matches the names given in the original


Version 1.4.1

by Konrad

Simple Matlab and python script that import colormaps from matplotlib into Matlab.

PyColormap4MatlabSimple Matlab and python script that import colormaps from matplotlib into Matlab.getPyPlot_cMap returns any colormap implemented in the matplotlib python library. It calls a python



by Andriy Nych

Performs advaced colormap operations

ADVANCEDCOLORMAP Performs advaced colormap operationscmap = AdvancedColormap; Returns current colormap, much like COLORMAP does, but new figure is not createdcmaps =

GIBBON: The Geometry and Image-Based Bioengineering add-ON for MATLAB

Superimpose multiple semitransparent images with individual colormaps on the current axis.

Remaps CData for multiple images, plotted in the current axis, to their respective individual colormaps. Multiple examples provided. The examples also demonstrate how semitransparent effects can be

Colormap with zero-center white shading.

When representing "polarized" data for which zero and sign are meaningful (like for instance, a gravity anomalies map), it is useful to have a colormap where white stands for zero value, and greater

Access Leica LIF and XLEF Files

: https://github.com/acampb311/xml2structAdvancedColormap: Andriy Nych (2023). (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/41583-advancedcolormap), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved April 18, 2023.

COLORGRADIENT allows you to generate a linear color gradient from color A to color B.

User can generate a custom linear colormap giving 2 colors and colormap depth.Colors are given as vectors with RGB values. The suggested input method is using intensity values for each channel (0,1



by Danilo Botta

ColormapsNc lets you create your own colormaps (up to 256 colors).

ColormapsNc lets you create your own colormaps (up to 256 colors).ColormapsNc is able to create a custom colormap by specifying up to 256 different colors. The colors will be shown in the order you

Returns a colormap for visualizing gene expression.

a simple function that returns a colormap, C, for visualizing gene expression. C is just a N x 3 matrix [R G B] describing the range of color values.example usage: C =

Generates the diverging redblue colormap from Tecplot. I needed a few times to display independent color bars on papers using tecplot charts

Generates the diverging redblue colormap from Tecplot. I needed a few times to display independent color bars on papers using tecplot charts.Inspired by

This image provides simulations of how the standard Matlab colormaps look to color-blind users.

The choice of colormaps for data visualization can affect the information accessible to color-blind users. For example large patches of cyan in an image with a bitonal cyan-magenta colormap (Matlab



by Andrew French

Wield the power of OpenGL and create ammonites, Klein bottles and curious spheria!

Easily design and fit a colormap to the values in your data!

Tristan Ursell Nov 2013 Adaptive colormap rgbslide(mat_in,...) slide_map = rgbslide(...); This function creates, on the fly, an active / adaptive colormap for the data given by the matrix

Converts intensity matrices into truecolor images.

input colormap. The output can be displayed using IMAGE or IMSHOW, exported using IMWRITE, used for texture mapping, etc.Colormaps are specified either by name, or as a JxK colormap table (K = 3 or 4



by Jia-Jung

COSMOSS is a Coupled OScillator MOdel Spectrum Simulator

A Matlab toolbox for sampling inverse problems with complex prior information.

Some tools for geostatistical analysis

Colormap in blue, white and red.

ncl colormaps

ncl colormaps

It is wave equation on sphere surface. Land influence neglected. There are colormap and lands veiw.

influence neglected. triangular mesh used. The method is some kind of finite difference method. See fromulas in laplacian.jpg Matlab simulations.run colormap_gui.m to run GUI with colormap visualization.run

Matlab functions to plot 3D maps from indentation tests

Customized colormap for clear surface height/oceanic depth overview.

Useful tool for rendering and outputting information rich images

an output variable - useful for saving to disk, texture mapping surfaces, and post-rendering manipulation such as overlaying/combining two or more images.All the MATLAB built-in colormaps are

Creates a colormap using two boundary colors and one center color

Creates a colormap using two boundary colors and one center color. Useful in situations containing positive and negative values, where the central color (normally white) is zero. The user can define

Colormap that linearly varies between red (+) white (=0) and blue(-)

This is a diverging colormap that linearly varies between red (+) white (=0) and blue(-).Just observe the figure



by Justin Blaber

2D-DIC program that uses contiguous circular subsets, biquintic B-spline interp, and complex ROIs

Colormaps for displaying data compatible with red-green color perception deficiencies

contrast while being a good compromise for readers with color perception deficiencies. These colormaps are designed to be printer-friendly both for color printers as as well as B&W printers.The colormap

Use the 'fire' colormap in Matlab, or create your own.

FIRE Blue-Purple Hot colormapFIRE(M) returns an M-by-3 matrix containing a "fire" colormap.FIRE, by itself, is the same length as the current figure's colormap. If no figure exists, MATLAB creates

LUTBAR creates a colormap toolbar and context menu

if you are tired of trying colormap(xxx) at the command prompt to find the appropriate colormap for your figure - try LUTBARLUTBAR creates a colormap toolbar with colormap icons and context menu from

A constant-lightness cyclic colormap for phase.

Three functions are included here: 1. phasewrap easily wraps data to the range -180 to 180 or -pi to pi. 2. phasemap is a constant-lightness cyclic colormap developed by Kristen Thyng. The constant

Matlab implementation of 'Image Recoloring Based on Object Color Distributions' Eurographics (short papers) 2019.

Take control of your colors! When one colormap just isn't enough.

Ever wish you could use multiple colormaps on a single figure? Now you can. Given an array, mapcolor.m applies a colormap of your choice, returning a new array of the same size that contains explicit

MNI2FS: High Resolution Surface Rendering of MNI Space Volumes


Version 2.0.1

by J. T. Holmi

A MATLAB data evaluation toolbox to script broader insights into big data from WITec microscopes

MATLAB script to create NDVI colormap, display palette, load/display sample grayscale image and use lookup to convert to RGB

contents of NDVI_colormap.zipH.J. Sommer III, 19.10.28make_ndvi_colormap.m MATLAB script create NDVI colormap with 256 colors display palette load/display grayscale image using NDVI

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