Distributed Parameter Systems Blockset for Simulink
Suite of blocks for control of distributed parameter systems
Engineering methods for Distributed Parameter Systems (DPS) control
Lumped-input/distributed-output systems
Time/space analysis, synthesis and design tools
Suites of blocks for engineering control problems solutions
DPS Wizard for step-by-step arrangement of control systems
Internet monograph and interactive service for support solutions

The Distributed Parameter Systems Blockset (DPS Blockset) extends Simulink with a comprehensive library for distributed parameter systems and their applications in modeling, control, and design of dynamical systems with complex 3-D domains of definition. An included demonstration presents some typical problems of DPS control from areas of technological and production processes, mechatronics, and protection of the environment. A tutorial and demos initiate users in DPS control problems. The DPS Wizard presents step-by-step procedures for arranging and setting control loops.
Blocks for time/space dynamical decomposition and synthesis offer flexible engineering methodology for DPS control. The DPS Blockset is designed for engineers, researchers, and students who deal with dynamics and control of real world phenomena and processes.
Blocks for time/space dynamical decomposition and synthesis offer flexible engineering methodology for DPS control. The DPS Blockset is designed for engineers, researchers, and students who deal with dynamics and control of real world phenomena and processes.

DPS Consulting
Tel: +421-905-636180
Fax: +421-31-5526237
Required Products
- Windows
- Consulting
- Fax
- Telephone
Product Type
- Modeling and Simulation Tools
- Control Systems
- Finite Element and Structural Modeling
- Process Control and Monitoring
- System Modeling and Simulation
- Vibration Analysis and Control
- Aerospace and Defense
- Automotive