Measuring, calibrating, diagnosing, data evaluation, and flashing ECUs in one tool
- MATLAB access to ECU internal signals and parameters via the ASAM-MC3 automation interface
- Simulink model integration as DLLs into CANape to run in near real-time
- User-friendly visualization of Simulink and Stateflow models
- Ability to combine a Simulink model with CANape and stimulate the model with real data
- Re-use of configurations for measurement and calibration of models in ECUs and vice versa
- Working directly on HDF5-files or export of measurement data into MAT-file and parameter files into MATLAB scripts
CANape® is primarily used in optimizing parameterization (calibration) of electronic control units (ECU). Calibrate parameter values and acquire measurement signals during system run time. The physical interface between CANape and the ECU might be made via the protocol XCP and bus interfaces like CAN, FlexRay, and Automotive Ethernet. For high-end data connection, the Vector VX1000 product family offers a wide range of connecting the debugging and trace interfaces of the ECU controller with CANape. As a result it has all relevant integrated functions for measurement, calibration, measurement data evaluation, flashing, and diagnostics. Its reliance on standards makes CANape an open and flexible platform for all phases of ECU development.
CANape enables the use of standard computers in place of cost-intensive rapid prototyping hardware. Functional development is performed by MATLAB® and Simulink®. After generating code using Simulink Coder™ and the compiler, the Simulink model can be run as DLL in CANape on any Windows computer. Even without Simulink Coder, existing code can be used via a supplied C++ project for DLL generation. XCP is then used to access all internal model measurement variables and parameters (including integrated binary components). To stimulate the algorithms, you can use both measurement values and the content of logged measurement files.
You can implement PC-based bypassing with the XCP mechanisms DAQ/STIM. This involves measuring input variables of the relevant ECU function via XCP. On the PC, the Simulink model is used to compute the output variables, which are time-synchronously transmitted back to the ECU by XCP stimulation. For short round trip times, the bypasses are computed on the Vector VN8900 network interface with integrated real-time computer, and measurement and stimulation access are computed using the VX1000 hardware.
You can use the Simulink Model Explorer to visualize the Simulink and Stateflow® model directly in CANape independent of the run time environment of the code. The link between the model and the A2L file lets you navigate through the model and access parameters and measured values directly.
Visualize and Parameterize Simulink Models
The free of charge Simulink XCP Server lets you use CANape as an interface to measure, parameterize and visualize Simulink models. You have access to all objects in Simulink as though the application were running in an ECU. Without any kind of model instrumentation. can make parameter changes in CANape and transfer them to the model. At the model's run time, measured data from the model were send to CANape via the XCP on Ethernet protocol. Simulink models are computed slower or faster than in real time (dependent on their complexity and processing power). After the computation cycle, you can analyze the data in CANape, adjust model parameters in CANape, and then start the next computation cycle.

Vector Informatik GmbH
Ingersheimer Str. 24
70499 Stuttgart
Tel: +49-89-7473-77-0
Required Products
- Windows
- Consulting
- Fax
- On-site assistance
- System integration
- Telephone
- Training
Product Type
- Data Analysis Tools
- Modeling and Simulation Tools
- Data Acquisition or Import
- Data Analysis and Statistics
- Embedded Systems
- Automotive
Related Connections Views: Automotive, Data Acquisition or Import, Data Analysis and Statistics, Data Analysis Tools, Embedded Systems, Modeling and Simulation Tools