Community Grant Program: Eligibility Guidelines and Application

MathWorks considers community grant requests on a quarterly basis. Funding decisions are based on available resources and the degree to which proposals meet the MathWorks Community Grant Program criteria. While we appreciate the diverse interest in the program, we receive many more proposals than we are able to support each year.

Nonprofit organizations that meet MathWorks criteria for community grants are encouraged to complete an application. Please review the guidelines before submitting your application.

Areas We Do Not Support

The MathWorks Community Grant Program does not support the following groups and activities:

  • Religious organizations, clubs, fraternal groups, professional organizations, political campaigns, or lobbying groups
  • Individuals
  • Capital and endowment fund drives
  • Fundraising events, such as walks, runs, golf tournaments, and dinners
  • Programs not focused on charitable or philanthropic goals, such as professional conferences, recreational club sports teams, etc.


  • Applicants must demonstrate that the goals of the program under consideration are consistent with the goals of the MathWorks Community Grant Program.
  • Grants cover one year and range from $200 to $5,000 (USD).
  • Grants will be awarded primarily to organizations serving the immediate communities where MathWorks offices are located.
  • Grant recipients must be charitable organizations (501[c][3] or public charity or local municipal entity) and must demonstrate tax-exempt status.
  • Funds must be requested for a specific program.
  • Only one application per program or initiative will be considered in a 12-month period.
  • All grant recipients will be required to submit a brief summary report of the funded program within 12 months of our contribution.

Grant Decision-Making Timetable

Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis. Submission deadlines for each cycle are March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Applicants will be notified as soon as the grant review team reaches a decision.

Grant Application Form

If you would like your program to be considered for a MathWorks Community Grant, please complete the application.

Note: Only completed applications submitted via this form will be considered for funding.

We look forward to learning more about how we can help.