Solve structural analysis, heat transfer, or electromagnetic analysis problem
solves the structural modal analysis problem represented by the finite element
analysis model results
= solve(fem
for all modes in the frequency range
. Define omega1
slightly lower than the lowest expected frequency and omega2
as slightly higher than the highest expected frequency. For example, if the
lowest expected frequency is zero, then use a small negative value for
performs an eigen decomposition of a linear thermal problem represented by the
finite element analysis model results
= solve(fem
for all modes in the
decay range [lambda1,lambda2]
. The resulting modes enable
you to:
Use the modal superposition method to speed up a transient thermal analysis.
Extract the reduced modal system to use, for example, in Simulink®.
obtains the modal basis of a linear or nonlinear thermal problem represented by
the finite element analysis model results
= solve(fem
using proper
orthogonal decomposition (POD). You can use the resulting modes to speed up a
transient thermal analysis or, if your thermal model is linear, to extract the
reduced modal system.
= solve(fem
= solve(fem
solve a transient thermal or structural problem or a frequency response
structural problem, respectively, by using the modal superposition method to
speed up computations. First, perform modal analysis to compute natural
frequencies and mode shapes in a particular frequency or decay range. Then, use
this syntax to invoke the modal superposition method. The accuracy of the
results depends on the modes in the modal analysis results.results
= solve(fem
= solve(fem
solve a transient or frequency response structural problem with modal damping
using the results of modal analysis. Here, results
= solve(fem
is the modal
damping ratio.
returns the solution to the static structural analysis model represented in
= solve(structuralStatic
returns the solution to the transient structural dynamics model represented in
= solve(structuralTransient
at the times specified in
returns the solution to the frequency response model represented in
= solve(structuralFrequencyResponse
at the frequencies
specified in flist
returns the solution to the modal analysis model for all modes in the frequency
range structuralModalResults
= solve(structuralModal
. Define omega1
slightly lower than the lowest expected frequency and omega2
as slightly higher than the highest expected frequency. For example, if the
lowest expected frequency is zero, then use a small negative value for
= solve(structuralTransient
solves a transient and a frequency response structural model, respectively, by
using the modal superposition method to speed up computations. First, perform
modal analysis to compute natural frequencies and mode shapes in a particular
frequency range. Then, use this syntax to invoke the modal superposition method.
The accuracy of the results depends on the modes in the modal analysis
= solve(structuralFrequencyResponse
returns the solution to the steady-state thermal model represented in
= solve(thermalSteadyState
returns the solution to the transient thermal model represented in
= solve(thermalTransient
at the times specified in
performs an eigen decomposition of a linear thermal model
= solve(thermalModal
for all modes in the decay range
. The resulting modes enable you
Use the modal superposition method to speed up a transient thermal analysis.
Extract the reduced modal system to use, for example, in Simulink.
obtains the modal basis of a linear or nonlinear thermal model using proper
orthogonal decomposition (POD). You can use the resulting modes to speed up a
transient thermal analysis or, if your thermal model is linear, to extract the
reduced modal system.thermalModalResults
= solve(thermalModal
solves a transient thermal model by using the modal superposition method to
speed up computations. First, perform modal decomposition to compute mode shapes
for a particular decay range. Then, use this syntax to invoke the modal
superposition method. The accuracy of the results depends on the modes in the
modal analysis results.thermalTransientResults
= solve(thermalTransient
returns the solution to the electrostatic, magnetostatic, or DC conduction model
represented in emagStaticResults
= solve(emagmodel
returns the solution to the harmonic electromagnetic analysis model represented
in emagHarmonicResults
= solve(emagmodel
at the frequencies specified in
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
When you use modal analysis results to solve a transient structural dynamics model, the
argument must be created in Partial Differential Equation Toolbox™ from R2019a or newer.For a frequency response model with damping, the results are complex. Use functions such as
to obtain real-valued results, such as the magnitude and phase.