
Would a General Hold/Release Functionality be a Good Feature for the Symbolic Toolbox?

Paul on 12 Dec 2024
Latest activity Reply by Walter Roberson on 15 Dec 2024

The int function in the Symbolic Toolbox has a hold/release functionality wherein the expression can be held to delay evaluation
syms x I
eqn = I == int(x,x,'Hold',true)
eqn = 
which allows one to show the integral, and then use release to show the result
ans = 
I think I already submitted an enhancement request for the same functionality for symsum.
Maybe it would be nice to be able to hold/release any symbolic expression to delay the engine from doing evaluations/simplifications that it typically does. For example:
x*(x+1)/x, sin(sym(pi)/3)
ans = 
ans = 
If I'm trying to show a sequence of steps to develop a result, maybe I want to explicitly keep the x/x in the first case and then say "now the x in the numerator and denominator cancel and the result is ..." followed by the release command to get the final result.
Perhaps held expressions could even be nested to show a sequence of results upon subsequent releases.
Held expressions might be subject to other limitations, like maybe they can't be fplotted.
Seems like such a capability might not be useful for problem solving, but might be useful for exposition, instruction, etc.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Dec 2024
When passed that expression as a parameter, the first thing MATLAB is going to do is evaluate that expression. Evaluation of the expression inside the symbolic toolbox is going to result in the x in the numerator and denominator canceling out. This is going to happen before any function being called gets control. For example, a hypothetical
is going to evaluate x*(x+1)/x first and pass the result to hold() . By which time it would be too late.
What could potentially work is something along the lines of
Paul on 12 Dec 2024
Do you think it would be useful if it could be implemented?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Dec 2024
I have sometimes wished for hold() -- but in a fairly different context. The context is the processing of symbolic expressions, typically by pattern matching. For example for extending the functionality of int() by matching a particular pattern and coding the solution to that pattern. It is common when processing symbolic expressions that you want to hold() a partial result. For example you might want to hold(x^3+x^2+x+1) to prevent a (-x) from acting on it immediately so that you can factor() the x^3 expression.


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